Discourses Volume Four 2017, 2023


Volume Four in a six-volume series of Yogacharya David’s regular writings originally posted for devotees online at yogacharyadavid.com. (6×9 inches, 379 pages)

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In Gateway to the Infinite, Volume Four, Yogacharya David affirms a key principle: faith obliterates fear. He describes how fear is the weapon that can bring us down; or, on the other hand, we can choose faith, moment-by-moment, as we traverse life’s adventures. Throughout this set of discourses, Yogacharya David and Carla continue their circumnavigation pilgrimage of the United States; more, they venture into Canada. In both countries, they witness the grandeur of Nature’s Cathedrals and human-made cathedrals; further, Yogacharya David immerses himself in the consciousness of the land. He perceives the frequencies and shows how he could determine if there had been tragedy or trauma at a site, and indeed, when he checked history, his conclusions were correct. At other times, he experienced a pure and beautiful interconnection with the land and entered into a shared awareness with all creation.
