
Originally published in the Cross and Lotus Journal, 2002-Vol.3 No.2 by Reverend Yogacharya David Hickenbottom


Like the Buddha, in his life as a prince, we come to the knowledge that disease, old age and death are inevitabilities of this life. The result of this realization on Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was shattering to his world view. However, it also led to the adamantine determination to find his way out of the problem, namely: that all life is subject to disease, old age and death.

The awakening of an individual, such as the Buddha, also happens in a society and in world consciousness. The recognition that we live in an unsafe world can lead to a number of differing responses. We can look to strike out, or we can use the time to look within. For those of us called to an inner life it becomes a time to recognize that all things of the world have a birth, a time of life on this planet and then an eventual dissolution. We then use that knowledge to renew our purpose and intensity in our spiritual practice. Witnessing death or dissolution thus helps to awaken us to God.

Now the Buddha cannot give us his realization. But he did give us teachings to point the way . His realized consciousness spread out as a spiritual ambiance that helps to purify this world. The great realized Beings of this world, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and others have all expressed the light through their teachings and their uplifting spiritual power . Because they made the effort to become realized the world consciousness is drawn higher into spiritual consciousness. The same principle is true for you, me and all sentient beings of this world. We can awaken ourselves from this slumber of ignorance. We can gain the realization that makes us recognize the universal vision and transforms our lives. This is the good news. It always has been and it always will be.
