Glints of Light-Mother’s Mahasamadhi


Picture: The great joy and fun of Mother Hamilton

It is the very early morning hours of the anniversary of Mother Hamilton’s Mahasamadhi; my heart and soul are feeling the inspiration of what this day means. To some it may seem an incongruity to celebrate the death of an individual, much less the passing of a beloved teacher, a Satguru. However, when we understand the true nature of what we call death, and even more a mahasamadhi, then we truly celebrate not only the life of a great spiritual master, but her actual leaving of the body as well.

In my journey to God, He has given me direct spontaneous memories of previous lives, fully reliving them just as they occurred. One such life memory included dying and what happened immediately after. In that moment of separation from the body, which came as an immense relief, I found myself in the presence of a wonderful Being of Light. Mother explained that this was my own Christ-Self, God within me made manifest in this seemingly outer form. Together we reviewed my life with an eye for learning, this Light-form, communicating through thought-transference, conveyed insight, wisdom and compassion.

In this review I realized that I had lost sight of my true purpose in taking incarnation; I had become lost in the details and demands of life and did not make the spiritual progress as I had originally intended when coming into that life. So many live in fear of judgement of what God or others might think. The truth is that we each know what true success looks like, and when connected with the deepest part of ourselves, we judge ourselves with clarity and discernment. In that moment of insight I had  great self-disappointment; I had fallen short of my own goal. Right there and then I made an adamantine resolution to never waste a lifetime, ever again!

Great spiritual masters, such as Mother, have already learned that lesson down to the very cells of their beings. Depending on the nature of their lila, the play of their lives when they choose to take incarnation, they may live a portion of their lives in ignorance. But, when the awakening comes, there is no stopping them, a force to be reckoned with! Mother came into this incarnation with no karma of her own, nothing that bound her from the past, a completely freed being. However, she took on the life of an ordinary person, went through so many experiences of living a human life. As Mother said of herself, she had experienced what any woman could go through, and therefore had understanding of the difficulties of living in this world.

When Mother spoke, she gave of her wisdom with the power of God burning brightly in her. She not only spoke of the highest esoteric truths, but she also brought everyday human experience into spiritual perspective. She did not fear or shun this world, having totally surrendered her life at the feet of God and Guru, she had gone through the death of the ego, the little self–she then embraced all creation as God’s expression of Himself. This was one of the many gifts of wisdom Mother gave to us; a modern-day Western woman who had ascended the highest peaks of realization, and never lost sight of the human roots of her existence.

Mother used to joke about when she would leave her body–she had such a wonderful sense of fun. She said that since people were always asking her questions, she could imagine herself on her deathbed, and someone would say, “Oh Mother, before you go, I have just one more question for you!” She also once said that sometimes her sense of humor “got the best of her,” and she could imagine getting to the pearly gates and St. Peter would say, “I’m sorry, I cannot find your name on the list of those who are to come into heaven.” And then a deep voice, from some distance away, would say, “Is that Mildred? It’s alright, you can let her in, she made Me laugh a time or two!”

Mother lived a Christ-like life, and even as Jesus’ disciples were not present when he left the body, Mother was alone when she died. In one of those moments that I would love to have back, I was driving home from work when I thought of stopping in to see Mother at the hospital. Then the thought came that my wife might like to come with me, so I went home. Soon after I received the call that told me that Mother had left the body. Tears came, and I wondered at the strange play of God. I could have so easily been with her at the time of transition, but she had not wished it so.

Mother had said that at the time of death of a great soul a spiritual ambiance goes out all over this world; a blessing of the light and power of God. In that moment the master consciously releases themselves from the confines of the body, no longer carrying their heavy cross, they are now free, and the world is the recipient of his or her grace without limit.  

Over the many years since Mother’s Mahasamadhi, her life and teachings have taken on so many hues, colors, and subtleties–like a multi-faceted diamond that manifests glints of light with unending variation and beauty. New truths, understanding, wisdom-thoughts, Divine Mother’s love, joy, humor, the everythingness of God is constantly revealing itself to the attuned mind. Each revelation of Mother’s immense Spirit adds to our comprehension what a truly extraordinary God-being our Mother was, and is.

Elisabeth Haich had said to Mother, Why do you go around thinking you are the littlest one? Do you not realize, you are greater than any master you have met, or will ever meet! Mother was not so sure of that statement, but it speaks to what a rare a magnificent soul Mother was. Even amongst the greatest of spiritual Masters, Mother stands among them–each one a shining jewel on God’s necklace of spiritual splendor.   

In deepest reverence I bow at the feet of my beloved Guru. My prayer for you: that you might also receive glints of Mother’s pure God-light, and thereby be lifted higher and higher, until you, like she, merge into our Infinite Beloved and ever know that you and your Heavenly Father-Divine Mother are ever one.

Hitting Curveballs Out of the Park


Picture: Magnificent sunrise over Lake Cahuilla    

Having arrived here at Lake Cahuilla near La Quinta, southern California, our North American Pilgrimage continues. I received a text from a family whose little one was being taken to the hospital emergency room; life can throw you some real curveballs. There are few things in life that can make us feel so helpless as a very sick child. “Oh Lord, You must see to it that this be taken care of for this child, family, and for the highest good of all.” They returned later that night from the hosptial, our little one was on the road to recovery.  

One of the “defaults” I now have is that in the face of difficulty my mind immediately turns to God. “Oh Lord, You are the creator of this universe, You are of unlimited intelligence and unparalleled power, change this situation, make it right, in accordance with the highest principles of wisdom, light and love.”

How many times in life do we have a sinking feeling in our stomach, in which we think that one too many things have gone wrong? That through our own doing or simply the way life has arranged circumstances we are in trouble–that we feel alone, unable to reach out for help?  

This sense of isolation is one of the great sufferings we experience in our separation from God. Each one of us has an “Achilles heel,” that place of weakness that can bring us down like no other. However, there is but one panacea for all troubles, that is to surrender to the one, infinite Lord.

Faith in God brings about solutions to the most vexing exigencies in unexpected ways. Today, I listened to a woman describe an incident when her husband had a diabetic blackout while he was driving. He was unconscious as they were careening down the road, no sign of the car slowing. She reached over and turned the keys to off and pulled them out. I protested, saying, “This is impossible to do on modern cars, they require you to bring the car to a stop, put it in park, then you can turn the engine off. She agreed, “Yes, that is right, but God did it!” And so He did. And so He did. She was then able to steer the car over and repeatedly run it into the curb to bring it to a safe stop.

Lahiri Mahasaya said, although man’s ingenuity for getting himself into trouble seems unending, fortunately Divine succor is more than equally inventive for his rescue. In baseball good batters can make contact with a curveball and turn it into a home run. No doubt curveballs in life present challenges, however it need not spell defeat. Only that you fully concentrate on using all of your resources to rise above a situation and demonstrate the power of divine will and grace on earth. To manifest God-consciousness is the reason you are here. Remain devoted to your infinite Beloved, and your Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, will make all things possible.

Stay tuned, our pilgirmage in God continues!

Southward Ho-Finding the Elixir of Joy!


Picture: Dominating the view south is the maginificent Mt. Shasta; gateway to California in our renewed pilgrimage.

Our Journey south began with a stop in Ashland to be with devotees. Such times with sincere aspirants is truly an elixir of joy. Without a spiritual orientation in life I find that it offers little in the way of lasting happiness. However when God-experience enters the picture, then all relationships, all experiences in life opens new dimensions of deeper meaning and fulfillment.

I gave a talk to the Group there and read from Papa Ramdas:

“The path to the source of your and the world’s being, is not without. You have to go within yourself. You must go past your senses, mind, and intellect; you must traverse beyond all your ideas and ideals; you must transcend all limits, conditions, and tastes, and then alone will you have the fullest vision and realization of your immortal root. This immortal root is also the root of all that exists–the visible and the invisible worlds and all beings and creatures in them.

Religion is a matter of experience. Merely by becoming a member of a church, creed, or sect, a person cannot be entitled to this experience. By reading any amount of scriptures and sacred books he cannot obtain this experience. By the observance of rites, ceremonies, or worship a man cannot come by this experience. Spiritual realization is a question of individual effort and struggle…The man of true religion when he is on the path, is mainly concerned with his own internal struggle for liberation and peace.

A steady, persevering, and concentrated effort and struggle alone can lead the aspirant to the realization of God.”

This kind of aspiration that Papa speaks of is the key to having God-experience. The need to know God is a gift of Grace combined with a keen desire by the individual. There is a simple equation that formulates a clarifying question we should ask ourselves, “Do I want God more than this world?” I may assess this during the day as to whether I feel a greater pull to God than the things of the senses, outer accomplishments, and what others think of me.

Jesus gave us the great commandment to put God first, then everything else (according to His will) will be added to my life. However, the human ego does this in reverse, it seeks out the world, and then gives burnt offerings (used up life-force) to God, if anything at all.

Do you feel a passion to know God? Do you put Him first in your thoughts and desires? The equation is simple, your mind is a constant creator, and what you place your powerful mind upon is the direction your life is steered toward. It is why you get uncertain results, you swerve in this direction, then that. A steady, determined mind gets more results than a brilliant mind that cannot hold any particular course.

True genius is going straight to the Goal of goals without deviation. Make God-experience as important as breathing the air, seeking out comfort, accomplishing whatever outer journey you have embarked upon; make Him at least as important, nay more important in your day-to-day life and you will make rapid progress to Self-realization and find the fount of unending bliss and radiant light right within your own being. Be it so!   

Clarity of Will


Picture: Durga Ma fearlessly riding her tiger with a sword for cutting away delusion, a bow for shooting forth will-arrows straight and true, and a hand held in blessing–among other implements of truth and clarity.

Master spoke a great deal about will, both the development of it through use of affirmations and maintaining focus throughout a project, as well as uniting individual will with God’s will. We do ourselves great good to pay attention to these lessons.

Many of us undermine positive intentions by not acting with clarity, purpose and bringing to them to conclusions. All success depends upon being able to maintain focus on our goals. Self doubt, obstacles encountered, and competing thoughts and desires rob us of initiative.

We are now headed south to Ashland, and it has been one obstacle after another. However, there has been clarity of purpose from the start–it has been God’s direction to make this journey. With each problem He has provided the means for solutions we have needed. At every turn it has been obvious that circumstances could have been far worse. This is His play and He has tested us, our clarity of purpose.

Think of will as a muscle group that needs to be exercised. If you start a physical exercise program that is too difficult for where you are now you will not keep up with it. Dreaming of climbing Mt. Everest and not even going for daily walks will not get you there. You start with getting off the couch and going for walks. Then climb hills, go on to master lower mountain peaks, and eventually you prepare yourself for the big climb. Sitting on the couch and dreaming will not get it done!

So, start with everyday goals on which to focus your will. Determine that the sun will not set without your achieving a  particular goal; no matter what. Make this your daily practice and you will build will-muscle through repeated effort and the lessons you learn.

One great lesson is that when you make a determination and keep with it,especially when you invoke Divine Providence from the beginning, you attract invisible support for accomplishing your positive intention. Feel that you are not alone–God, the Masters, angels and invisible forces respond to your clarity and uplifting purpose. In this sense, there are no large or small goals, but only one goal, and that is the one in front of you now.

Declare with all the power of God in you that you are determined to succeed. Feel the invisible forces in and around you as supports, and when you meet obstacles, as you surely will with any worthwhile goal, those invisible forces aid and abet you in overcoming. When self-doubt assails you, as may happen to anyone doing something great, check inside for the rightness of your cause. Do not seek to have God on your side, but rather know that you are on God’s side through deepened meditation and intuition. Then proceed forward and be His instrument with true purpose in all things.  


Attachment Is Being Shackled to An Idea


Picture: Bald eagle in flight by my brother, Mark

We learn detachment in large and small ways throughout our days. Attachment is the ultimate cause of suffering for all mankind, thus says Buddha, Krishna and in so many words the great spiritual giants throughout time.

Today we were packed and driving down the road, a large bald eagle flew along with us when driving off the island; a good omen. Later sprinkles on the windshield turned to rain and called for turning on the wipers; they did not go on. It is a small thing in life, being delayed, a change of venue for the day; instead of driving south it became a matter of making arrangements for repair when a new fuse did not fix the problem.

A small instance with a lesson. Attachment is being shackled to an idea of what should happen. Such a simple notion; and how anxious, fearful, lustful, angry, needy and greedy we can become based on an idea—delusion’s grip that keeps us in ignorance and suffering. The idea of leaving on a trip, days of solid preparation that evaporate into mist in an instant.

Fifteen months ago a similar hoped-for venture was interrupted, beginning in Utah and culminating in an emergency trip home from Nevada when anemia due to a cancerous infection brought all travel plans to an abrupt halt (it now seems another lifetime ago). It can be anything that goes other than how we plan: loss, death, trauma, disappointment, failure, poverty, hunger, illness–so many lessons in detachment.

And how are we to be detached? We live in the world, we make plans, we have expectations, we strive to do better, to be better, to be organized and work hard–how are we to do all of that and not be attached? It is not an easy thing, it is one reason yogis, mystics and monks seek out seclusion; to make it easier to be simple, to leave behind expectations.

But even that is not a guarantee; ashrams, monasteries and religious organizations are oftentimes battlegrounds for competing egos, filled with even higher expectations of how things are supposed to be–creating even more attachment. There is a saying that helps describes this, “Wherever you go, there you are!”

The easiest way to detachment is by keeping your attention on God—surrendering everything at His feet. Cultivate the notion that God is in control of everything, including your thoughts and the world around you. Feel that God is the sole reality, and if He wills it, nothing can stop a thing from happening, and if He does not, no amount of energy will change it; all is in His Keeping.

In the beginning you base this faith on what spiritual masters tell you. Later, through direct experience you come to the realization that God’s omnipotence is a precise description of the highest reality. As you surrender all that you are to God, even positive plans and desires, and you accept that His will reigns supreme, then you are at peace.

This does not mean you do not strive, work, and fight for a good idea God has given you. But when you face frustration and disappointment—you surrender yourself to Him. This gives you the courage and strength to carry on in the face of obstacles, or the ability to accept something new if that is what God wishes for you. You are God’s faithful servant, and whether it all goes your way or not, you are focused on fulfilling His will, listening to His direction, being a perfect instrument in His hands. This gives you perfect equanimity in good times and bad, in victory or defeat, in health or sickness—it is all He, it is all He!

Tomorrow we will hear from the repair folks and plan to be on our way south once again. Will that plan align with tomorrow’s reality? We will know by day’s end. In the meantime we plan, we work, we strive and move toward to an ideal given to us by the Infinite, and we balance this movement with total surrender to what He chooses for us—each and every moment.


Listening & Learning


Picture: Centenary Hall. Swamiji held of my hand and I was lifted into bliss, love would overwhelm my heart. Truly, blessed times.

Note: I am being called to the desert to write, so we will be leaving soon to travel south. I will maintain contact with you through regular posts, as well as Skype/YouTube Services, and I will still communicate by email and text, although there may be periods of time when we are out of reach. I take you with me, and send you all love and blessings.

Yogacharya David

 This is an email from Rebecca who has currently taken residence at our beloved Anandashram. I think that you, like me, will find inspiration and interest in her experiences. This email is used with permission. Following are some of my comments to her.  

 Hari Om, Dear Guruji!

Days here are each snapshots of incredible beauty and Joy. How blessed I am that God has allowed me to have this time now to be intensely absorbed in communion with Him, within and without.

Some days ago, I asked Him, “Lord, what would you like me to do today?” He replied, “To listen and to learn.”

So, I have taken this as my theme not for that one day only, but for this whole time here. To “listen” I am paying close attention with my “third ear”; that being the medulla. I am using the technique you gave me which is to imagine it as a receptor the size of a dinner plate. One effect which has been most delightful from this exercise is that as long as I am “listening” (conscious attention at the medulla) I am not thinking….Can’t “talk” and listen at the same time! 

And as far as learning, this place is overflowing with the highest wisdom just ripe for the picking and tasting. So much to learn, so many humbling and empowering lessons; each day is a new unfolding of His training and teaching.

 On another note, I was excited this morning to have had Darshan of a scorpion…From a respectful distance!…as he was crossing the courtyard in the early morning. A handsome creature in his own way.

And do you remember seeing giant bats in the trees? They’re wonderful animals! They swoop around and make screeching sounds like monkeys do. They are fruit bats I’m told- they especially love mangos when they’re in season. At first I thought they were birds. I watch them every morning as I wait outside Centenary Hall for Swami Sannyasananda to unlock the door at 5am. He never speaks to me but when he is finished opening Swamiji’s room and comes out, he gestures for me to enter and smiles in such a way that if feels like it’s Papa Himself who is smiling! 

 Thank you for your constant blessings which are being received. So necessary for me to use this golden opportunity for growth into complete and permanent Oneness with Him.

 Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram

 Your Own, 

With Love and reverence,


 My Reply: Subject: RE: Listening & Learning

Hari Om my dearest One, 

To listen and learn, a most perfect message. Ah, learning to listen to God, what a day that is when you open the door and really attune yourself to what God is speaking to you. And, what an attentive friend and lover God is: infinite in knowledge and wisdom, full of fun and joy, a constant life-stream coming through the medulla, a guiding light at the ajna, unfolding into infinite reaches from the crown chakra–there is nothing in the world that can compare! My heart thrills at your expansion into this heavenly realm, of which there are countless mansions of experience. You may sit in simple silence with your Friend, enjoying the fullness of the moment, or He may be a volcano of inner awakening, yet you are unafraid and trusting. All is He, all is He. 

 I do not think I had the darshan of a scorpion, but I very much remember the fruit bats. They would swoop through the covered porches of Krishnabai and Arunachala blocks in the dark, black shapes with perfect guidance systems. They are fascinating creatures that seem to harken us back to prehistoric times. 

 Many, many blessings my dear child, for fulfilling all your soul’s desires while there, to be in the joy of listening and learning. 

With loving pronams, 



Be an Expression of What God Wants


Picture: Various stages rising to the pure Self

A unique feature of water is that you can find it in everyday conditions in liquid, solid and gaseous states.  This triune character of water can be compared to the nature of God’s creation on three different planes: solid being the material elements of this world, liquid references the fluid nature of life-energy, and gaseous is the subtle causal/idea realm.

 The vast majority of people are focused on the solid-material nature of this world, some see the fluid-like movement of life-energy in and around things and people, and a few have the vision to see what cannot be seen by others, the thought-trons (Master’s terminology) behind all that is—a causal realm that is much larger and more profound than all other aspects of creation. We look about us and see crystalized life-energy of this world, but there is so much more that is not visible to the naked eye.

 The three aspects of creation can be polluted just like water. Today the residents of large cities in China carry opened umbrellas when it snows; the snow as well as the rain is so toxic that it is a health risk to the uncovered. The material, energetic and idea realms can also become toxic and manifests as disease and darkness of every description: an energy of darkness may form around someone depressed, the mind may become filled with wicked thoughts, or the body may suffer due to past wrong actions.

 The materially minded scientist says the brain manufactures the mind and consciousness—that what we think and even who we are is a result of firing synapses. However, the spiritual scientist sees it quite differently. While it is true that a malfunctioning brain interferes with thought process, such as a stroke destroys memory and blocks anatomical functions, the conclusion that the brain is the source of thought and awareness is a fallacy.

 Think of a computer programmer creating an operational system. If the hardware stops working due to a malfunctioning circuit the computer will no longer be able to carry out its purpose. However, though the programmer may be frustrated by this lapse in his computer, he is in no substantive way harmed by the glitch. Similarly, the soul operates through the physical form of a human body, and when disease makes the body unresponsive, the consciousness of the soul remains unchanged, although it cannot continue to fully operate in the body as before.

 The truth of this was demonstrated to me by my Guru. Although she was deeply affected by multiple strokes, heart attacks and a severe case of shingles in one half of her face, and she was not able to function in the body as she had before, she was still all that she had ever been in soul and Spirit. Being disturbed by what I saw as she sat in a wheelchair, paralyzed on one side and open sores on the other, I went home to meditate and I demanded that God explain what was happening to my beloved teacher. For some time I focused on the breath and the ajna in deepening meditation—suddenly I saw Mother with inner sight; she was beaming and more beautiful than I had ever seen her before. A radiant light went out from her in every direction as far as I could see. Through thought transference she said, “Do you not know, I am now in my Light-body.” And, indeed she was, and is, a brilliant shining Light.

 After that experience I never again mistook Mother for her physical body; I knew she was so much more. She lived many years after that and through sheer will she regained so much of what she had lost during this terrible time. Mother, and every one of us, is not limited to the body. We have an eternal soul, our part of God that is not born nor does it die, it cannot be burnt, drowned, or in any way changed or corrupted. No matter the choices we make, the bad things we may have done (against ourselves or others), this pure element of divinity resides above the physical, energetic and idea realms.

 Life, as we think of it, is the soul manifesting through the three bodies, physical, energetic, and causal. The purified body and mind are perfect instruments for the transcendent Divine Mind, and are a blessing to ourselves and to this world. Go beyond the three realms, seek out contact with the ever-pure, eternal Self—not so you can get God to do what you want, but that you may be an expression of what God wants you to be.  

The Master’s Birthday



Picture: Master; 1924-age 31

Today, we celebrate the birth of Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the great spiritual personalities to inhabit this world, and a personal blessing to those of us who follow this Kriya path. Master, Yoganandaji, wrote 70 years ago:

The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for ultimate verities and the concomitant disciple-guru relationship. My own path led me to a Christlike sage whose beautiful life was chiseled for the ages. He was one of the great masters who are India’s sole remaining wealth. Emerging in every generation, they have bulwarked their land against the fate of Babylon and Egypt.

I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

The helpless humiliations of infancy are not banished from my mind. I was resentfully conscious of not being able to walk or express myself freely. Prayerful surges arose within me as I realized my bodily impotence. My strong emotional life took silent form as words in many languages. Among the inward confusion of tongues, my ear gradually accustomed itself to the circumambient Bengali syllables of my people. The beguiling scope of an infant’s mind! adultly considered limited to toys and toes.

Psychological ferment and my unresponsive body brought me to many obstinate crying-spells. I recall the general family bewilderment at my distress. Happier memories, too, crowd in on me: my mother’s caresses, and my first attempts at lisping phrase and toddling step. These early triumphs, usually forgotten quickly, are yet a natural basis of self-confidence.

 Thus begins the spiritual classic: Autobiography of a Yogi. Master continues his narrative at the age of 8 after his healing of deadly Asiatic cholera by Lahiri Mahasaya:

Shortly after my healing through the potency of the guru’s picture, I had an influential spiritual vision. Sitting on my bed one morning, I fell into a deep reverie.

“What is behind the darkness of closed eyes?” This probing thought came powerfully into my mind. An immense flash of light at once manifested to my inward gaze. Divine shapes of saints, sitting in meditation posture in mountain caves, formed like miniature cinema pictures on the large screen of radiance within my forehead.

“Who are you?” I spoke aloud.

“We are the Himalayan yogis.” The celestial response is difficult to describe; my heart was thrilled.

“Ah, I long to go to the Himalayas and become like you!” The vision vanished, but the silvery beams expanded in ever-widening circles to infinity.

“What is this wondrous glow?”

“I am Iswara. I am Light.” The voice was as murmuring clouds.

“I want to be one with Thee!”

Out of the slow dwindling of my divine ecstasy, I salvaged a permanent legacy of inspiration to seek God. “He is eternal, ever-new Joy!” This memory persisted long after the day of rapture.

 Master’s intense search for God, which took him to the feet of his great guru, Sri Yukteswarji, is now immortalized in his autobiography and has become a living testament in the changed lives of those who took Master as their guru. We are indeed blessed to have this seamless connection come to us through his most beloved disciple, Mother Hamilton. The traditional guru-disciple relationship has been kept intact by Master’s and Mother’s total dedication to realizing God, and their compassion in passing that on to spiritually thirsty souls longing for that same realization. May Master’s light shine ever brighter, leading all sincere aspirants to the harbor of God-experience—eternal, ever-new Joy! Jai Guru and happy  birthday Master!

Faith Obliterates Fear


Picture: General George Washington: In prayer at Valley Forge-he believed in fate. In fierce battle he had four bullet holes through his coat, yet he was unharmed. This type of miraculous event occurred several times in his life.

 “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” FDR said this after the Pearl Harbor attack and the beginning of the U.S. entry into a world war for which it was vastly unprepared. In that moment there were many reasons to be afraid, and yet he was exactly right in his statement. Chronic fear gets us nowhere, and can render us inert or going in absolutely the wrong direction.

 There are many triggers for fear, even at a time we are not faced with such dire events as a world war. But whenever we are filled with feel fear (for whatever reason), it may as well be war. It is a war going on right within us. However, fear does have an opposite; it is faith. Many of the great warriors down through time had absolute faith in the fact that if it is their time to die, nothing can stop it, and if not their time, they could charge fearlessly into battle.

 In modern life most are not faced with mortal combat, but there are still battlefields of fear: money issues, sickness and disease, ostracizing loneliness, failure, looking stupid, conflict; so many battlegrounds upon which fear wages battle for possession of our hearts, minds and souls. To not be defeated in this war we must look for allies that will enable us to win daily battles. Faith in fatalism, “If it is meant to be, then it will be,” is one ally. Faith can also be placed in the support of family or friends, societies, church,  or government, and when things are desperate enough, even saints, angels and/or God.

 A favorite story of mine was when a young boy was separated from his parents. The parents looked everywhere for him, then finally thought that their son had returned to their car. At last they found him sitting on the car hood. When his dad approached his son he asked, “Were you scared?” The boy responded, “I was so scared, I prayed to God!”

 Well, it has to get pretty bad before many people pray to God. It is an interesting point, and it is true, many people only turn to God when things are desperate. Why is that? Many people simply don’t see how useful it is to have regular connection with God. Rather, prayer is something done at Sunday church, or in a crises. Some may say a prayer before a meal, others have their children pray before sleep, but to think of conversing with God through the day would never occur to them, or is thought to be just for “religious fanatics—those people.”

 To see God as practical, even essential, a “workhorse” in daily life, and to cultivate a faith that meets every day needs would be an enormous step for many. For me, it seems the most logical thing in the world. From the first thing in the morning to the last thought at night God is part and parcel of my thoughts—of my being. Far from a “weakness,” it is my strength. God is my guide, my friend, comforter, solver of problems, wise counselor, an ocean of love, and peace; my all in all. And, it is the most practical thing in my life.

 Faith that God is guiding and controlling me and the events in my life frees me to act in the moment. I need only concern myself with how He is flowing through me here and now. And, if He makes me think of some future event, or something from the past, then it is His Presence that is interwoven into those thoughts as well. What of finances, health, and every other possible problem area? They are in His keeping. Now, this does not mean I do not have a role to play, quite the opposite. I am co-creator with God, so my part is essential. However, the responsibility for how things go is not on my shoulders, it is on His. My part is to actively attune myself to His will, and follow it perfectly.

 Imagine floating down a river, as we used to do with our feet pointed downstream, or floating on inner tubes or in rafts. The current is carrying you, but you must make adjustments to keep yourself from running aground or colliding with dangerous obstacles. Being aware of currents  on the river made for the safest floats. Just so, we must be mindful to keep ourselves in the “current” of God’s will. Getting caught in the wrong current could end you in staid waters of depression, or in dangerous whirlpools of swirling, endless desires, or running into downed trees of painful situations that rip you into shreds. Sometimes you must paddle hard to avoid a wayward current, other times you are easily kept in the God-current by keeping your mind on Him. Really, once  you find that passageway of God-awareness, it is much, much easier than being subject to the world only.

 Faith in God means that you trust, trust that whatever He brings you is exactly right for you. It is faith in His guidance and wisdom, that He is with you as well-wisher, friend and comforter. It does not mean that waters are always smooth and easy; but really, we do love an adventure. With God, the good ending of the adventure is always assured, but it is still an adventure.  

 Faith in God means you keep your mind on Him, you think of His qualities of being all-powerful, all-conscious, everywhere present, all love, bliss and joy. You know that He is above you, beside you, everywhere about you, and securely found within you. He is guiding you and the events around you that lead you into His tremendous kingdom of heaven. Your faith brings you into harmony with Him, and you realize in greater and greater measure the truth of who and what He is, and of who and what you are. Faith such as this obliterates fear and makes you do all things in full confidence that He is ever with you, and you are ever in Him.  

You All Are the Light of God


Picture: Little Lillian Grace’s parents found this message this morning on the family frig. What a soul in God. “Good morning, today is the new year. We will have a happy new year. You all are the light of God.”

Lillian Grace

Have a blessed and joyous new year, you truly are the light of God.
