Both Fully Human and Fully Divine

Mother from Mark

On our way down to Mother’s gravesite for the 24th anniversary of her Mahasamadhi we were discussing a new book we were reading on organizing and tidying. On the surface this may not seem to be a “spiritual” subject to be thinking on at that time, but it did remind me of Mother for her practical approach to life.

Once, Mother asked me to come over to help her organize her storage closet at her condominium. She was always very careful with her things and she told stories of how different items came to her, their history, their value etc. This may seem like materialism to some, but Mother was teaching us to have balance in all ways.

Mother knew how to organize. She was a wonderful and inventive interior decorator and once said that if she came back again she would like to do interior design professionally. Then, she added, that of course in her present role as a Guru she was helping to decorate the interiors of disciple’s minds and hearts.

This emphasis on physical beauty and organization disturbed some people’s concept of what a spiritual teacher should be focused on, but Mother was not the least bit apologetic. As a fully realized spiritual Master, Mother was at ease with this world. She recognized that being accomplished in this world, creating beauty, and charging adequate pay for work done were all important in making a person whole and balanced.

There are some who teach spiritual living and espouse non-materialism while themselves living quite materialistic lives. The fact is we live in a material world, and to find the right balance and realize it is all God should be our goal; not to paint ourselves into a hypocritical corner. As Papa wrote, even a sadhu wandering penniless may be possessive of his water pot, prideful over wearing an orange cloth, or taking offense because someone does not pay him due homage as a “holy person.” Attachment is a subtle and treacherous companion.

There is the instructive instance in the life of Janaka, a realized king. When a boy was sent to Janaka to be instructed he was dismissive of the king who was surrounded by courtiers and politicians. The boy, who had only a few holy books with him, was invited by the king to sit with him. Suddenly a fire broke out in the palace and messengers frantically inquired of the king what to do. He told them he was talking to this boy about spiritual subjects and he should not be disturbed. Finally the unabated fire crept toward the two who were engrossed in talking about God. As the flames moved toward the boy’s holy books he carefully moved them away. After maneuvering his books away from the flames a couple of times the king commented, “What! My entire palace burns but my mind and talk is engrossed in God. Meanwhile you are concerned with your books. Tell me, who is attached?” The boy recognized the greatness of Janaka and was humbled.

The Master Jesus told us, “Be in the world, but not of the world.” Truly we must have a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, to handle money, and depending on the work we have to do we may have a few or many possessions. Can we live like Mother Hamilton in this world: creating beauty and order, but without attachment?

As we encircled Mother’s gravesite to pay her homage we listened to Janice Stevenson’s piano renditions of two of Mother’s chants, Hymn to Krishna and God’s Lullaby. The first is an esoteric song to an ancient and holy avatar, the other written as a lullaby for Gari, her baby son; both beautiful and both heartfelt. The songs echoed in our hearts as a melodious and fitting tribute for our universal Mother who always told us that she was both, fully human and fully Divine.

Theory For Lasting Happiness


Picture: The progression of life talked about by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita–The imgage of Krishna in each: from the womb to the last stage of life.

We all have theories about how this world works. Many people carry on their “programs” for seeking happiness with little analysis of what actually does or does not work. A life unexamined is bound to repeat errors ad infinitum until there is some regard for learning from experience.

The ability to observe and learn from experience is an essential step in maturity and in refining our search for happiness. The one common denominator amongst all mankind is the desire for happiness. For those whose lives take a spiritual bent a basic premise is arrived at: this world will never be a source for lasting happiness–not ever.

The true aspirant knows that what produces real, lasting happiness is communion with God; the Self, united with the infinite Being, is eternal, and is filled with supreme Consciousness and Bliss.

Due to the physical body’s tendency to get sick, grow old and die this world can never fulfill this promise. Prosperity and situations in life are ever in flux; every high is followed by a low. So it is with all things created, the law of duality always applies, without exception. The discriminating devotee knows that whatever is born will die, that anything external to the Self will one day fall away, and that there is no pleasure or satisfaction in this worldly realm that will not lose its savor over time.

Each individual has the right to any theory he or she chooses for attaining lasting happiness. But, one thing is certain, if the essence of that theory and its practice does not have, at its very core, the eternal Being, Consciousness and Bliss of God, it will fail to supply lasting happiness.

The Needle and the Magnet

Picture: Based on Sri Yukteswar’s writings; Sat Chit Ananda are the eternal qualities of God: Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. From the Light of God, Kutastha Chaitanya (Christ Consciousness) and the sound-vibration of Aum (Amen) manifest Kal (time), Desh (space) and Anu (partical/atoms that make up material creation).
It is thrilling to get updates from aspirants describing the spiritual work they are doing, and especially so when some special insight or vision is had that brings resolution to a long term problem, doubt or question. I thought I would include this email I received from Charmie that closely reflects a vision God had once given to me (this is used with permission and with minor edits). The reasoning mind is simply not big enough to get answers to some questions; only through intuition (in this case a Superconscious dream) can we get a glimpse into the gigantic dimensions of this creation and how it really is His play, and that it really is perfect.
Dear David,
During our Bellingham Service on Wednesday we listened to your talk you gave at Rick and Judy’s. What a surprise to hear the title, The Needle and the Magnet.  Because, last Friday night I had a dream, one of those wonderful ‘real’ dreams.
Let me preface this, I have been having a conversation with God about the state of the world: the wars, and starvation, and hatred, etc. I told Him that I understand He has a plan, but it seems so chaotic and ugly from here. And this was His response, it came to me in the best way for me, when I am “unconscious to the world,” i.e.  sleeping.
I saw the universe black, with swirling lights and movement all around. Then I went further out, to the non-universe (?), and watched the black movement. I saw there was a center, not a black center, but a Golden Light Center–it was definitely a magnet. All of the universe created a pattern, it was the same as you see when you lay a magnet in the middle of iron filings. In this case the ‘filings’ were actually moving. We are all those iron filings, and God is the Magnet; not only individual people, but the planets, the stars, the empty space, all. We were going toward God on the one end, and then being propelled away from God at the other end, and the loop kept going. We were drawn to the Center, then propelled out into seeming chaos, and as it came back in toward God it became more orderly, and narrow. The funny thing was that when the one section (Was it a universe?) was going in, another was going out. It was a beautiful dance of little iron filings around the Center. And the chaos helped to create the dance as much as the orderly parts.  Do I understand this with my mind? No. Does my heart and soul understand and see the beauty? Yes.
I just had to share this because of your talk about magnetism.
Thank you for Being David, and for Serving.
Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram – Victory!

From the Gecko to the Lady in Fluorescent Pink Shoes


Picture: Palm Canyon; Mother thought this the most wonderful place 55 years ago, and it still is.

God is equally present everywhere. Thus affirms the great scriptures of the world and realized Beings down through time. And so God proves on a daily basis as He has taken us hither and yon. We have travelled to the deserts of Southern California to be here with devotees and to see how Divine Mother manifests Herself in this part of the world.

We have motored our way to Borrego Springs where Rick and Judy have their RV parked on the desert “boon-docking” in the midst of purple and brown shaded mountains. Rajasi Jnanakananda (James J. Lynn), Dr. Lewis and Bob Raymer all had homes in this area, using them as retreats. Mother came here after returning from India in 1958 in her recovery from paralysis suffered in her Mystical Crucifixion.

It is easy to see why they found this area conducive to healing and raised consciousness. There is such a pure and expansive feeling in this desert. Indeed, saints have sought out the desert from time immemorial in order to find solitude and pure vibration. Perhaps we will be brought back some day in order to spend more time here.

From the simplicity of boon-docking we return to the glamor of Palm Desert– El Paseo is a “tony” shopping area that would please more discriminating  buyers. With beautifully lite boulevards that are banked on either side by walled off golf courses, deluxe hotels and resorts, it is simply amazing how water changes brown hills to green grass and rising palms trees. Bread may be the staff of life, but water is the absolutely essential ingredient for all life on this planet.

And God is the pulsating Life through it all. From the lonely gecko sunning on a rock to the pink shod lady walking her purebred pooch past brand name stores it is all Divine Mother parading Her life in a variety that is dizzying in its multiplicity. To the unbiased eye both manifest a singular mystery and beauty that pulses with bliss. Is not the life in the water flowing up the center of the palm tree not the same as what manifests in the lady in fluorescent pink shoes? And is not all life from the same Source, and a blissful expression of God?

Through pure vision the kingdom of Heaven is spread all over this earth, and with eyes to see and ears to hear it is unallayed joy to behold it. May you also know that kingdom as it manifests in your life, and that you feel His bliss now and always

Carla, Happy Birthday!


Today marks the day Carla was born to this world for this present incarnation. Astrologers tell us there is significance to the exact moment of birth. I can only say that I have noticed that I always had very good days on the much maligned Friday 13, and on just such a day Carla was born.

Because Carla’s nature is to quietly serve, I wanted you to know just a few things about her that I find noteworthy. From the very beginning Carla would make comments on something she heard in a talk of Mother’s or mine, and how she had been thinking about it for the week, putting it to work in her life. So many hear a talk and get a great upliftment from it, but taking a theme and staying with it all week or longer is really something to admire.

As I say, Carla serves quietly in the background. From the wedding day forward, powerful spiritual forces have been at work in her. We immediately embarked for Anandashram, and it was there that Carla began the Mystical Crucifixion. The Kundalini force rose powerfully through her spine, creating great internal heat. She was “nailed” upon her cross, her body, with “thieves” on either side, one pulling her up, and the other triggering every dark fear and mood. She went to the Bible to look for the truth behind the words. Through it all she never turned away from the Light or what God asked her to do.

To this day powerful forces are at work in her. It can make her service to me and others a great challenge at times, but she strives always to do all she can. If anything, these internal experiences makes her nature even more indrawn, it is easy to see why yogis look for isolated retreats in order to deepen their communion with God. But it brings balance to our lives to be in joyful seva, service. And Carla serves so willingly, wanting to bring the teachings to one and all, to create beauty in this world, to so serve as to make Mother say, “Well done!”

So these are just a few notes, to “lift the veil” and reveal a bit of the extraordinary Soul residing in her current form. It always gives me such joy when others recognize, as many do, those great qualities that run in those still waters.

Carla, from all of us, Happy Birthday!

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

In a current survey of spiritual literature there is a broad spectrum of attitudes about God, the ultimate Reality, and the world we live in. There are examples of those who give up everything in this world, even a loin cloth, to overcome the limiting pull of worldly attraction in order to know God. Then there are others who seem to be book and retreat “production machines” who are apparently making millions by writing and talking about “spiritual” living.

What are we to believe about realizing God and our relationship to this world? In our Kriya lineage we read the most interesting account of Babaji manifesting a palace for Lahiri Mahasaya in order to satisfy a latent desire. And Swami Ramdas writes that the “World Is God.” And yet we know that attachment to this world is a major stumbling block on the road to realization.

We must make a careful analysis to perceive the truth of the matter; this is especially true given how deceptive the ego-mind is. On our journey to realization we know that things of the world definitely bring the mind down from inner states of peace and bliss. This battle between the uplifting forces and downward attractions is tremendous.

But not everything in this world is a temptation. What will be a great attraction for one person may have no appeal to another. Therefore, the object of attraction is not the problem, it is the attachment the mind forms for a person, place or thing.

A good rule of thumb is that when you feel the pull of strong attraction, avoid it. Instead, place your mind firmly upon God until the “fever” of attraction has completely passed. Even then you are very careful not to provoke an attraction by becoming too familiar with it; for slumbering embers can too easily awaken into burning passions.

God has taken me through many experiences in my relationship to this world. He gradually took everything away from me in the worldly sense; finally He took job and profession as well. When I spent a year in silence and seclusion I had but a few items of furniture: a meditation chair, a table and a mat for a bed.

After having taken me out of this world, Divine Will seemed intent on bringing me back into it. First came marriage, that came with a dowry of a Ford Escort car and a few more items of furniture. Then through His good graces we lived with others from place to place, then rented a house, then we bought a house, more cars came our way, and this last year another house! Just this week He has brought us to California where we are staying in my brothers beautiful motor home for three weeks in a magnificent RV park in Palm Desert.

As we sit surrounded by motor homes, some of them costing over a million dollars, the question comes, “What is my relationship to all of this?” Ever since my year in silence I have been established in an immovable stillness within. Somehow whatever comes does not touch this stillness that directly merges with the great, supreme Reality. These gifts of material things are God’s play, His lila. If ever I notice that the Still-Presence is disturbed by these outer happenings, I will instantly run away.

Even with this inner detachment I feel that I should be a good steward of what has been given. Cars and house should be kept in good working order, uplifting beauty created, and an open hand is kept for giving to others what has been given to me as God directs.

This abundance that has come is a logic defying play that unfolds before my astounded vision. I say “logic defying” because with having renounced all, so much has now come; it really goes against what the worldly mind would think. However, even with this material prosperity, what is profoundly clear to me is that happiness begins within. If every material thing was suddenly gone and all I had was God, I truly know that in Him I have everything!

Perhaps even those authors who have made millions also have God, for all things are possible with Him. But it is rare for someone with millions to know that God is the source of all prosperity, not a bank account or a portfolio.

Remaining steady in the face of life’s ups and downs brings to mind my favorite Dr. Seuss book (in truth the only one of his I have read), “Oh, The Places You”ll Go!” In this story our intrepid traveller (you) goes through all the ups and the terrifying downs, but ever proceeds upon his or her way; a parable of life’s journey.

This life does take you to so many places, in body mind and spirit; every one of them has great meaning in your ultimate adventure in going to God. The key to finding happiness in the journey is to find that place of stillness within your heart and soul, and never let it go. Then be in wonder as God unfolds His life within you and all around you; and oh, the places you will go!


Today is your day.

Your off to Great Places!

Your off and away!

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose”

Dr. Seuss

Your True Likeness and Image

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Picture: Garuda–Vishnu’s Eagle

For many of us the busy time of the holidays are over. The annual holy-days of Thanksgiving, Christmas and the birth of a New Year are passed. For most these times will create new memories of love, family and sacred moments.

Because this is such a powerful time of year, others will feel the pang of pain due to loved ones who are no longer present and losses of various kinds. The keen remembrance of loss reminds us that there is only one constant in all creation, and that is our loving Creator; the Father and Mother of all that exists.

The recurring healing message is that by attunement with heavenly Father and Divine Mother all wounds, hurts and losses may be soothed with the salve of growing peace, joy and love.

This re-union of soul and Spirit, after so long living in the Great Divorce from God is the theme for this lifetime. All great myths, stories, and scriptures expressed throughout the world and down through all time comes to one central point: to find the resolution of suffering; it is the real work you are here to do.

The key to gaining spiritual freedom, that is the removal of suffering, is the ability to learn from your experience. This ability to learn from experience is basic to all growth. So many people repeat the same errors and expect different results: this is insanity. The soul who wishes to really grow must be a keen observer of cause and effect, for this is the universal law of creation.

As we eye this new year, let us not simply list those things we wish to change, as we have listed in previous years. Create a solid plan with behavioral benchmarks. Be determined to apply the spiritual principles you have been taught and become master of yourself. Do not allow another year to go by treading water only, when you are meant to soar in the skies!

Let your eagle heart rise to the heavens and know yourself to be a spiritual dynamo who can remove mountains of suffering for yourself and for others. You are made in the image and likeness of the Infinite Being; this is the Truth!

How can you remain in a shadow existence when that is not who you are? Realize there is so much more to you. Demand your birthright, proclaim your freedom and manifest all that you are in truth. This is the task for which you have come and it waits for you to step into the Divine Image and Likeness of who and what you truly are.

A Happy Hangover

Flowers & PY 2

New Year’s was brought in, in the same manner that I have celebrated for the past 35 years, with a Meditation Service. Mother Hamilton was doing this each year when I met her. I remember these times, at the end when we could hear firecrackers going off in the neighborhood at mid-night Mother would wish us, “Happy New Year.”

Many people are used to “celebrating” in alternate ways, many times drinking too much, trying to have a good time, and many are feeling lonely and unhappy. Far too many wake up in the morning with some kind of hangover that makes them feel very bad.

Last night we watched a talk of Mother’s, listened to Yogananda speak, and I felt the uplifting power in the room and the purity of Spirit as we “dumped our minds into Superconsciousness” and soared “with wings as eagles.”

Well into the early morning that beautiful Spirit sang its song throughout every cell of my Being. The feeling of completeness, wholeness, and perfection was with me, and so too with many who joined our Service in person, through ustream and in Spirit.

And this morning, the song of Aum and the qualities of purity, love and gratitude continue to thrill my soul, like listening to the most sublime symphony echoing through all eternity. Oh, what joy is mine! I remember back to early years my vain pursuit of happiness in the worldly way, that even at the time felt hollow. Tears of gratitude pour out of me, “Oh Lord, my cup runs over with the wine of Your Bliss, my heart melts and runs like a river of love, and You make me know that we are ever united in the “ocean of mirth.”

This is my kind of “hangover.”
