A Happy Hangover

Flowers & PY 2

New Year’s was brought in, in the same manner that I have celebrated for the past 35 years, with a Meditation Service. Mother Hamilton was doing this each year when I met her. I remember these times, at the end when we could hear firecrackers going off in the neighborhood at mid-night Mother would wish us, “Happy New Year.”

Many people are used to “celebrating” in alternate ways, many times drinking too much, trying to have a good time, and many are feeling lonely and unhappy. Far too many wake up in the morning with some kind of hangover that makes them feel very bad.

Last night we watched a talk of Mother’s, listened to Yogananda speak, and I felt the uplifting power in the room and the purity of Spirit as we “dumped our minds into Superconsciousness” and soared “with wings as eagles.”

Well into the early morning that beautiful Spirit sang its song throughout every cell of my Being. The feeling of completeness, wholeness, and perfection was with me, and so too with many who joined our Service in person, through ustream and in Spirit.

And this morning, the song of Aum and the qualities of purity, love and gratitude continue to thrill my soul, like listening to the most sublime symphony echoing through all eternity. Oh, what joy is mine! I remember back to early years my vain pursuit of happiness in the worldly way, that even at the time felt hollow. Tears of gratitude pour out of me, “Oh Lord, my cup runs over with the wine of Your Bliss, my heart melts and runs like a river of love, and You make me know that we are ever united in the “ocean of mirth.”

This is my kind of “hangover.”
