Resurrection Day

resurrection-1Today we celebrate Resurrection Day, the day that Lord Jesus made his physical body come to radiant life after being horribly crucified. Since then, there has been much said and written about the resurrection of believers upon the Second Coming of the Christ. However, why should so much be made of resurrecting the body alone? Is the assumption that all believers should have also gone through an inner transformation when “them bones rise again?”

The word resurrection has interesting Latin roots. It comes from the verb rego, to make straight, plus the preposition of sub, or under; then surrectum, to rise. Put together, “a straightening from under again.” So taking the root meanings, to take what is under, making it straight and to arise; this instruction can be perfectly applied to sadhana, spiritual practice. To take what is under, the lower impulses of the ego-mind, making it straight through God-remembrance, then for consciousness to rise into spiritual union with our Heavenly Father. Rather than focusing on the body alone as resurrected, this way of understanding the word entails the transformation of the inner person, the whole man. Jesus, the son of man, becomes Jesus Anointed—the Son of God. And in his wake, we, who he commanded, are to follow in his footsteps. For the Master said, [Matthew 10:38] And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

Celebrating resurrection this time of year, the spring equinox, is wonderfully symbolic of the arisen consciousness. Locally, the daffodils are bursting into bloom, like so many rays of golden suns, life is returning after slumbering in winter, seeds burst their bonds and branches reach out for the light—new life, new hope, a renewed world. As we meditate upon this miracle of nature, let us know that an even greater miracle is promised within—the resurrection of Divine Consciousness, that we may know our Heavenly Father in truth and reality.

So let us pick up our cross, the body, and follow after our Lord, to meditate deeply upon that inner Light that is seeking to draw us unto itself. This story is not a fairy tale, nor is it an event that only took place two thousand years ago, but this is a living legacy from all those who have gone before us into resurrected Divine Consciousness—and is seeking to do so in you now. Blessings to you my dear ones on this Resurrection Day, a blessed day for a new life in Christ-Consciousness.

A Wonderful Time of Year


MH Xmas 1970s
Happy Birthday Mother! A Guru who knew how to have fun!

As with many, Christmas is a wonderful time of year for me. I love the message and the feeling of the real reason for the season, as well as the decorative lights during what is for us the darkest time of year, the little traditions celebrated, and deepened meditation upon the personal and impersonal Christ. I knew that the special feeling that comes with our Christmas Service in Maple Ridge and on Camano Island was to be the heart of spiritual and social Christmas, and that afterward it would be a time of growing inner focus. Carla also had elective surgery this last week, and so recovery time for her added to being home and more reclusive.

I realize that for some it is also a season that brings up those things that have been lost. I have definitely lived long enough to have people and situations that are no longer here. Christmas celebrations with my Guru come to mind, and how she brought such life and meaning to the season as well as her birthday celebration on Christmas Day. However, I will say that a very definite virtue of a deepened communion with God is that it is the sole relationship that continues to deepen, glow and provides life, inspiration, renewal, and ever-new joy to devotees that never fades with time. In God-consciousness all people, past and present, feel near and dear. So, while I may miss certain interactions from the past, the sting of loss is replaced with a warm glow. When you take the feeling of loss to deepen connection with your infinite Beloved, then wounds are healed and loss becomes gain.

It is the one thing about God—He is not a thing of the past or a story that becomes staid, but a deep well of living waters that brings new birth and new openings to the most tremendous gift ever given to all God’s children. The angels’ universal sound is singing its song in my ears and beyond, the warm Christ-light is blazing as the leading star and lights the Christmas tree of my spine and brain–love is glowing from my heart, radiating out to all creation. These fill my heart, mind and soul and shares itself with one and all—there is no limit, no aloneness, no feeling of loss possible in this ever-new birth. This is the gift I wish, hope and pray for one and all—that you share in this God-experience. You will find it waiting for you to unwrap from under your tree-of-life, right within you. There are many wonderful things about this world, but none compares to the universal Christ-presence sown throughout creation, and that is most definitely residing deeply in you.

P.S. Thank you so much for your cards and gifts, each one is received with love and gratitude. I want to share with you a list of some holiday movies we enjoy. All, I think, are family friendly though some may not appeal to little children—of course, you may not like all of them as much as I do, but I think you will find there are many gems here, and hopefully some you may not know and come as delightful surprises—others simply reminders to see again.

It’s a Wonderful Life (spoiler alert, Clarence get’s his wings!)

White Christmas (when young I thought musicals were stupid, now many are delightful!)

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Christmas does not come from a store, it is much, much more!)

Elf (You are an angry elf!)

Lost Christmas (Who would think Shiva would save Christmas!)

The Santa Clause (I Like the sequels as well)

The Last Holiday (Queen Latifah to God, You just mess’n with me now!)

Christmas with the Kranks (Botox scene makes me laugh every time)

Christmas in Connecticut (A fun Classic)

Jesus of Nazareth (Zeffirelli makes each scene look like a masterpiece painting—and James Earl Jones plays a wonderful Wiseman—you can watch it up to the birth of Jesus)

A Christmas Carol (there are many versions, but Alistair Sim makes the most grumpy and then joyfully redeemed Scrooge in this 1951 classic)

Holiday Inn (You just have to love corny musicals, and Fred Astaire’s dancing of course)

A Christmas Story (You’ll shoot your eye out!)

Miracle on 34th Street (Edmund Gwenn makes the best Santa!)


Ash Wednesday


Christendom marks today as Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter, a time of repentance, penance and fasting (excluding Sundays, a time of feasting). The ashes of the palm branches collected the year before are a blessed anointing with the words repent and believe.

Many Christians will take advantage of the 40 days (the time Jesus fasted in the wilderness) as a time to do or not do something as a spiritual discipline. Spiritual disciplines are times of great reward. Living in an era today when instant gratification is oftentimes the watchword, the rewards of not doing something in the name of sadhana (spiritual practice) are not readily known. However, it can be a wonderful time to let go of something, especially something that you now indulge in but really know is not good for you.

In years past this has been a time of not eating sugar, not watching television, dedicating longer times to meditation, time chanting with Papa’s recording of Ram Nam–it can really be anything you choose. When you dedicate yourself to this kind of practice it has a purifying effect on you; you feel it in body, mind and spirit. Penance for the sake of punishing yourself for real or imagined sins is a misguided attempt at purification. Penance done in the right spirit will leave you feeling clean, inside and out, and closer to God.

Here is something Reverend Jill sent out by email and I thought had wonderful wisdom from Sri Yoganandaji:

As we begin the first day of Lent, a time to reflect more deeply, I wanted to share these passages from this month’s Master’s Lesson:

“The tigers of worries and sickness and death are running after you and the only place that you can be safe is in silence.”

“When you meet people, do not become affected by their state of consciousness.  When they are singing of God, be one with them, but just as soon as they show undesirable qualities, stand aloof.  Meet people with silence, eat with silence, and work with silence.  God loves silence.”

Love to you all on this first day of the holy season


This is a wonderful time of year as we approach Easter, recognizing the rightful death of the ego and the joyful resurrection of Christ-consciousness. We can take time to read the teachings of Jesus from the Gospels, Master’s commentary in the Second Coming of Christ (published by Amrita or SRF), any of Mother’s transcripts or listen to her talks, especially Easter talks, available on the website (under talks).

The more we explore the teachings of Jesus the clearer it is what a magnificent Avatar he is. Our teachings are rooted in Jesus and Krishna, and find universal resonance throughout all the world’s great religions and spiritual traditions. Let us use this opportunity for going deeper into silent meditation and being lifted up as on wings of angels in His peace and Divine Presence. Discover the blissful joy of Christ Consciousness embodied in the life and teachings of Jesus and sleeping in potential in every human being. Be blessed–dive deep and soar high!

Christmas Morn’


 These early Christmas hours feels very sacred, the air vibrating with Aumen–a celestial song of the Infinite. The Christmas tree lite, and tiny lights all around the crèche scene on the fireplace mantel.

 As I stand and gaze at the images of the dear holy family, I touch the feet of the blessed baby Jesus. A thrill of Divine Presence captures my soul. A powerful surge thrills throughout every cell of my body. I stand enraptured for some time. Then my attention is drawn to the Holy Mother, and compassion for what she must have gone through humanly, the strain and stress of travelling when so fully pregnant, the uncertainties she had faced, the surrender of her soul, the handmaiden of God—all come flooding into me.

 Gradually my attention swings to Joseph, again on a human level, the sense of family responsibility and the uncertainties. His intuition told him his soon to be wife was pure. His intuition would take the little family to far away Egypt to protect them, and tell him when it was safe to return. A man of strength, courage, conviction and perfect faith.    

 Then I looked at the angel blowing her horn in celebration, in joy and sounds of bliss! Yes, a night to celebrate, God with us! And the wise men, certainly saints and sages all—men of transcendent vision. They bow at the feet of a baby, in perfect submission to the Divine child. And the shepherd boy, coming without the understanding of the wise men, but in the simplicity of childlike love and faith. All have a place in this pageant of Light and Love come to the world; the redeemer of mankind and a blessing to all.

 Then my vision is drawn to the picture of Mother, looking at the holy scene as from above. Born on Christmas day, a birthdate-harbinger for the life she was to live—a Christ-like life. She too would suffer, not be understood, would strive for, and be loyal to God to the very end. A lover of Truth, a servant of her Guru through thick and thin. That life is now over Mother, and now you reside in the great heavens, serving all, even as you served on earth. Happy birthday Mother! I surrender at your feet.   

 And you, my dear Ones, may you also feel this warmth of love and sacredness of Christmas; a happy day filled with Divine remembrance and wonder-filled activities.

With all love and blessings,



The Eve of Christmas


 Have a blessed Christmas Eve. It is a remarkable time, for many it includes family, for all of us it is a time to tune-in to the Divine emanations resounding within and without.

 It is touching to think about that historical night when Mother Mary suffered while travelling on a donkey or walking on foot as they made their way to Bethlehem. Then, to find no room to stay, in those days it was not an inn as we think of it, but a walled enclosure, open to the sky overhead. However, even these were filled to overflowing. But kindness won out as they were directed to a cave used as a barn. The humble beginnings of God born in man; a cave so entirely appropriate for a Yogi-Christ.

 It is also entirely fitting to meditate upon the inner drama of God born in man. While it is true that all mankind has the Christ-seed within, for most of humanity it lies in potential only. For aspiring souls that seed awakens, sending out branches to the Light, roots deep into the Soul. It is the tree of life that is growing right within us! New growth captures new Light, new revelations and ever-new bliss.

 This is mankind’s next evolutionary step; and it occurs within the devoted individual, and as more individuals burst the shell of humanness a forest of Christ-like souls will inhabit this earth—bringing a new era of peace and fulfilling mankind’s greatest potential. What we celebrate tonight is the tremendous potential embedded in you, me, and in all. This is the eve on which it all begins.   


God’s Emissary


Picture: It’s a Wonderful Life: “Every time a bell rings…

I have been spending a special amount of time focused on the transcripts of Mother’s Talks as I work to put them into book form. As I do so I am so conscious of what a powerful engine she was for God. The other attribute that stands out to me is her willingness to share from a human level what her life was like.

Mother’s life as a God-woman is perhaps unique, because so many of her teachings about the inner meaning of the scriptures is taken from an intimate portrait of her life. Although Yoganandaji shared much about his life, and his discipleship with his guru was open for all to see, Mother’s experiences relates to a major shift of understanding about the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ, it affects all Christendom and beyond.

It is remarkable (as in once in many lifetimes experience remarkable) to be given work by Mother and Master; in whatever degree they have given us to help. No matter what role we play in the work, there is nothing insignificant in what we do. It is a ruse of the ego that makes us think that our lives do not matter, or at least does not matter much.

I think of Brother Lawrence washing his dishes at the monastery. He was reputed to be not good at anything, so he was put on what was considered lowly cleanup duty.  Who the head of the monastery was at the time–I do not know. Who the bishop or even the pope was at the time–I do not know. But, through his letters on Practicing the Presence of God I know Brother Lawrence.

As you go about your life you may sometimes believe that no one sees or cares about all that you do, but this is not the truth. This is especially true when you are making sincere spiritual effort in your life. Because, by connecting your life with God’s you are unleashing a tremendous force for good in this world. The more deeply you are immersed in God, the greater the good being done.

There are no insignificant lives in this world; period. There are no exceptions to this. The original screenplay for “It’s a Wonderful Life” was not Jimmy Stewart’s role as the bank CEO, rather the main role was played by a bank clerk. He was shown the world, by his guardian angel, as if he never lived. Because he was not the bank clerk another man had the job and embezzled money from the bank. The bank failed due to the theft and therefore a number of  local businesses failed as well. The whole town and its economy suffered because this one man was not there to do his humble job honestly. Every life is important, and you are indispensable to the role you play, therefore you must play it well.

Meditating regularly and deeply you change not only your life, but your families life, your community and even the world at large. There is simply no way for you to accurately assess all the ways that your spiritual practice is absolutely needed by this world. Therefore, resolve that whatever role you are playing in this world, you play it well, and you enter into your spiritual practice with all of your heart, mind and soul–for you are God’s emissary.

‘Tis the Season


Picture: Santa Claus created by Lois Hickenbottom

For those of us in the largely Christian West we have entered the Christmas Season; ostensibly celebrating the birth of Jesus. As with many religions that spread to new lands folk traditions often become incorporated into the newly accepted faith; so, among other things many of us will have Christmas trees in our homes.

Yesterday we put our tree up, complete with lights and the delight of bringing out of storage decorations—many of which have special meaning. This early morning I sit in otherwise complete darkness with the lighted tree shining—and with it there is a magic spell that comes to life. It is this special feeling that is so much of the power behind the traditions and celebrations of Christmas.

We love to see the look of wonder in our small children, and through that to re-awaken in ourselves the experience of magic. Without a focus on the underlying power of these traditions we can get caught up in the externals of buying gifts, going to parties, and all the traditions that goes with this season. The feelings of awe and magic are tender shoots that can be choked out by the pernicious weeds of excess, greed, competition, alcohol, drugs, and getting caught up in being too busy and having too many commitments to do it all.

Whew, take a breath! I am far from bah-humbug, for I love this season of lights in darkness, listening to Handel’s Messiah and other favorite music associated with the season, and watching movies such as “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Jesus of Nazareth,” and “Scrooge” (I especially like Alistair Sim). I am also aware that in trying to capture the magic of the season we may lose focus on what is essential, allowing those noxious weeds to strangle those very tender feelings right out of existence.

That feeling of magic and awe we love to see in children–is not for children only! It is unfortunate that because we use fanciful stories and contrivance to evoke that feeling in children we can quash that very needed quality by our adult view of realism. We can turn it all around, inside out and being repulsed by the excesses become the bah-humbug of Mr. Scrooge. Of course, the fully adult version of magic and awe comes with loving God–in fact we do our children a disservice in not teaching them this “reality” from the beginning. When our whole being is lit up with the eternal Light, we become a finely decorated tree with the spine as the trunk and nerves the branches. The Star of the East is seen at the Christ Center of the ajna, and gifts are delivered when those fine spiritual feelings are felt throughout our beings. Christ is born anytime the Presence of God is felt and there are acts of loving service.

We honor the season best when we dive deep in meditation to find the Source of that most powerful feeling of magic and awe. Then we will be mindful to not allow noxious weeds to drown out those refined feelings. Let us look for ways to serve others, and to teach our children that rather than Christmas being all about, “What am I going to get,” to be a time also of, “What am I going to give;” to help our children to find true magic, to find God within.

May you have the very best Season ever, and in magic and awe may the tender and all-powerful Divine Incarnation of Christ be born in you.

The Light Ever Shining


This Christmas morning the full moon shines above as a beacon of light to all the darkened world below. This reminds me that the Christ-child was born into this world to bring Light and illumine all creation, to all those who would receive the Light.

Avatars (the descent of Divinity into flesh) come to this world to help awaken it to the fact that all creation is of Divine origin. The world and those identified with it lose all relationship with their innate Divinity, and thus suffer and create further suffering for others. God, a respecter of man’s free will, beckons all humanity to rediscover the truth of their true nature. However, mankind is stubborn and stiff-necked in their adherence to being bound in their ignorance.

Therefore God sends examples of fully realized Beings, avatars of immense spiritual realization and strength. These divinely realized Beings are not meant to be set up as idols and worshiped from a distance; rather they come to awaken the same Divine nature in each individual that the avatar is awakened to within him or herself. It is man’s ignorance that says, “Divinity resides in that one only.” This ignorance acts in opposition to the very reason why an avatar takes incarnation. To embrace and become fully awakened to one’s own Divine nature fulfills the purpose of a Divine Incarnation.

To “receive” Jesus Christ is more than to proclaim faith in his Divinity, it means to realize through experience your same Divinity. It means you have looked within and you have seen the Divine Light shining as a star; you have been inspired by three wisdom kings to surrender the gold of the world, the bitterness of the world, and even your joy and worship at the feet of the Christ-Light being born within you. It is to protect that Light from the vain jealousy and hatred of King Herod, seething within and seeking to destroy the Light. It is to love and nurture that Christ-Child-Light at every turn, to never deny it or side with the forces of this world in their desire to suppress that same Light. To receive the Christ means that you experience the whole story within you.

So, on this precious Christmas morning, let us sense the sacred meaning embedded in these wonderful stories and images. Let us follow that star by going deeper into a meditative state in which we are illumined within by the Christ Light. Let us hear the angelic music of Spirit singing the song of Bliss and Joy that is within and everywhere about us and manifests as universal love and service. These are not just stories of another time and place, this is your journey, discovering who and what you truly are. It really is, as is said, “The Greatest Story Ever Told!”

It is in this Spirit that I write to you this morning, and it is my keen desire that you should know the truth of it. Not simply because I have said so, or that great realized Beings have told you so, but because you were inspired to seek this truth out within the laboratory of your own Being.

Please accept this as my Christmas Card to you, this year I simply have not been able to send out my usual Christmas Cards. We have received so many beautiful cards, and with each card I receive the love and good wishes sent with each of them. One card came from Dianne D. had this wonderful quote from C.S. Lewis that says so much: “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become Sons of God.”

Have a joy-filled Christmas.

Come, Follow Me

Jesus Meditating - From The Second Coming of Christ crop 2 medium

I recently gave a talk entitled, Jesus Was a Jew. It reminded me of a story Mother once told of a little girl who came home from Sunday School and exclaimed to her mother,”Mommy, they said Jesus was a Jew!” The mother reassured her child saying, “Never mind dear, we all know he was a good Methodist!”

We all look at the Master through the lens of our own minds, conditioned by time and circumstance. We see artists’ renditions of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes, fair skinned, all which would have been highly unusual for a Jew of his time. It makes many comfortable to think of him as “someone like us;” as a “good methodist.”

Even the teachings of the various churches that follow him would have been foreign to Jesus, certainly many of his followers would have been astounded. The notion of the trinity became officially recognized 300 years after the time of Jesus, and for many of his direct followers to think of him as one of three aspects of one God would have been news to many of them at the time. Even three hundred years later it took some pretty fancy reasoning to work it out, with many tries before there came an acceptable version. Yet today it is held as sacrosanct for all true believers.

There is no evidence Jesus intended to start a new religion. He called upon those he healed to keep secret what had happened, he pointed his teachings toward loving God and one’s fellow man, and his focus was upon strengthening faith in God, whom he called Abba, Father. He taught in Jewish synagogues and the great Temple, and strove to challenge those who ran the temple to be pure and upright. He did not break with Jewish tradition, in fact he said he was the fulfillment of its promise.

When Paul, not a direct disciple, asked for permission many years after the time of Jesus to initiate others who were not Jews into these  teachings it created quite a stir. James, and even Peter rejected the idea. Later Peter had a dream in which he received sanction for Paul to do so. The point is, the direct disciples did not see themselves as anything other than Jews at the time. Paul even came up with his own fancy reasoning so that new male converts did not have to be physically circumcised, a Jewish rite, but that their faith in Jesus made them circumcised. Why go through the trouble of reasoning this out unless it was thought that becoming a Christian was essentially becoming Jewish.

And why do I now point out these self-evident facts? It is to focus on what is essential to the life and teachings of this Jewish rabbi. Even his breaking of bread and sharing of wine was a rite already established by the Essenes. While Jesus  borrowed heavily from the ancient tradition in which he was born, he also articulated the greatest spiritual principles to be found anywhere. This man, whose background we are told so little, gave us the keys to finding the kingdom of heaven, only to be found within.

What he gave us was so much more than a new religion, he gave us the Truth! He taught us to live the life of a true spiritual being, to love God first, surrender to His will, and to serve our fellow man, even unto death. Jesus taught us how to truly live. I say he taught “us,” because he teaches us still through the stories of his life, and the power of his words that resonate around the world.

“Come, follow me,” he said to his direct disciples, and he says to all of us. To follow him means to live as he lived, to know what he knew, to be even as he was; a Son of God. “Follow me,” not in blind belief, but see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, know with your own mind the same as he saw, heard and knew his heavenly Father. He calls to us even now, “Come, follow me.”

Magic in the Air

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Christmas Eve. As a child there is such magic in the air in anticipation of what is to come in the morning. We perpetuate the story of Santa Claus because we love that same feeling, for children and for ourselves. Why? Because it stirs something deep, wonderful and beautiful inside.

Later in life we learn the unreality of it all, and something diminishes inside. That is until we see the wide eyed wonder in a child in anticipation of the magic. What is it in us that so yearns for magic? It is the intuitive faculty within that yearns for God.

God is that feeling of magic, of charm, of an open field of possibilities, and of joy and love. To feel the openness of anticipation means a beautiful world of splendor awaits us. Being overly mindful of the “realism” of life kills in us this awareness, it removes the childlike wonder.

Jesus said that children are blessed, because a childlike nature is part of entering into heaven. The Master actually thanks God for not revealing heaven to the intellectual and prideful, but rather to the childlike in spirit. Jesus and his disciples were living in a tough existence, he was no starry eyed dreamer, his world could scarce afford that. Rather, his affirmation of innocence as necessary is a statement of a tremendous truth. We must be open to wonder; to the incredible beauty in which we can look at a lily of the field and find greatness.

Some may scoff at such words, but this cynical mindset is exactly what Jesus was thanking God for leaving in ignorance. Blessed are the children, of all ages, for such is the kingdom of heaven.

I am sitting to meditate on Christmas Eve, and I sit in wonder, anticipation of untold possibilities, of magic in the air; for such is the kingdom of God.

Preparing for A Tender Birth

Murillo,EstebanBartoleme-TheAdorationOfTheShepherds_c1648 crop

Painting: Esteban Bartoleme Murillo

The approach of Christmas is oftentimes ascribed as to why this season can be stressful, and surely it is a time that can be jammed packed with activities and demands. However, for many years I observed in my spiritual life, and now the lives of many others, that there is an additional layer of why this can be a difficult time.

The winter solstice occurs on or near December 21st. The solstice marks the shortest day of sunlight due to the earth’s tilt and its rotation around the sun. It has long been noted that celestial movements relate to changes in consciousness, and from this observation astrology had its origins. The winter solstice and its opposite the summer solstice, as well as the two equinoxes, have special relevance to inner changes as well as the more obvious outer changes.

Since meeting my Guru and my subsequent initiation I noticed that the time preceding the winter solstice was oftentimes difficult, stirring up much mental and emotional turmoil. In the beginning I associated this fact with the holidays making me more acutely aware that I was alone.

As the seasons rolled by I noticed that this intensity in the buildup climaxed, not with Christmas, but, with the solstice itself. With the solstice the intensity would “break,” and the immediate days before Christmas were much easier, very enjoyable. Year after year I noticed the same pattern, and once seen it could not be unseen.

It is no accident that the birth of Jesus is marked at this time of year. Symbolically it is the depth of darkness and the beginning of the procession to the light; a perfect time for the birth of the “Light of the world” to incarnate. Historians tell us that for the shepherds to be out tending their flocks at night, as depicted in the scriptures, it would be springtime, lambing season. So, December would not be the historical birth date of Jesus, but March or April. However, not only is the end of December symbolically right, but the intense purification before the solstice followed by uplifting joy is the perfect time for the birth of the savior.

When we understand that this increasing intensity is part of a purification rite, and its purpose is the birth of something new, then we can consciously cooperate with this progression, understand it, and receive the greatest benefits from its annual occurrence.

Rejoice, for something wonderful is coming! Prepare the way, and spread your wings so that the seasonal uplifting currents will carry you heavenward; listen carefully and you will hear the celestial music of the spheres. The tender birth of the Christ-child is coming; the ancient prophesies are to be fulfilled right within your own being.

Crown of Thorns


Jesus with sacred heart-flame-crown of thorns and radiant nimbus

When Mother Hamilton gave me the honored title of Yogacharya she announced that I had been through nearly everything she had gone through in the way of spiritual experiences. Although I do not put myself anywhere near the same category as Mother, not anywhere near, never-the-less I felt honored in her acknowledging the many years of my being in the Mystical Crucifixion.

            I did not know at the time there were many more experiences that I was yet to go through, thankfully. I say thankfully for if I knew the extent of those yet-to-be experiences I may have stopped in my tracks right where I was. I can say now it was worth everything God and Guru put me through, but it is still better I did not know it all then.

One of the great experiences I have been put through, and continue to go through to this day, is the crown of thorns. When the Kundalini first rose up I felt an unparalleled heat in my ajna, the point between my eyebrows, later it became a tingling, sometimes burning force at the crown of the head, behind my eyes, and at times through my whole body system. There were other times when this Kundalini force felt like a very heavy hat sitting on my head.

It became evident to me that in the higher ages, or yugas, a king would have made this journey of the serpent force from the base of the spine to the top of the head. In later, darker ages this self-mastery was degraded to only a symbol of a golden crown and scepter given to the king. In higher ages these symbols would have been given when the leader had attained stability in higher consciousness; the scepter representing the awakened spine and the crown the awakened God-consciousness in the highest spiritual center.

Each day I have a reminder of the crown of thorns as my head is aflame with this burning force. And each day I hear the mighty sound of Aumen entering through the back of my head and my spine is filled with a flowing spiritual force, the top of the head is expanded, open and pointed like a spire to the heavens. There is no guess work for me to trace the movement of this Divine Force as goes about its work within.

I write about this to you now, prompted by that same spiritual force. It is not an easy life as it goes on all the hours of the day and is very exacting in all its ways; demanding nothing less than total surrender. But I would not change it for anything, for it is as God has designed it and I am thankful to be anywhere where He is, serving God and Gurus.

The crown of thorns is really the crown of life, and when God chooses to take you through this experience it will change you, for you will never to be the same. You may be assured that it need not last for as many years as it has for me, but it will continue until its task is done, and in the end you will be illumined!
