God’s Emissary


Picture: It’s a Wonderful Life: “Every time a bell rings…

I have been spending a special amount of time focused on the transcripts of Mother’s Talks as I work to put them into book form. As I do so I am so conscious of what a powerful engine she was for God. The other attribute that stands out to me is her willingness to share from a human level what her life was like.

Mother’s life as a God-woman is perhaps unique, because so many of her teachings about the inner meaning of the scriptures is taken from an intimate portrait of her life. Although Yoganandaji shared much about his life, and his discipleship with his guru was open for all to see, Mother’s experiences relates to a major shift of understanding about the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ, it affects all Christendom and beyond.

It is remarkable (as in once in many lifetimes experience remarkable) to be given work by Mother and Master; in whatever degree they have given us to help. No matter what role we play in the work, there is nothing insignificant in what we do. It is a ruse of the ego that makes us think that our lives do not matter, or at least does not matter much.

I think of Brother Lawrence washing his dishes at the monastery. He was reputed to be not good at anything, so he was put on what was considered lowly cleanup duty.  Who the head of the monastery was at the time–I do not know. Who the bishop or even the pope was at the time–I do not know. But, through his letters on Practicing the Presence of God I know Brother Lawrence.

As you go about your life you may sometimes believe that no one sees or cares about all that you do, but this is not the truth. This is especially true when you are making sincere spiritual effort in your life. Because, by connecting your life with God’s you are unleashing a tremendous force for good in this world. The more deeply you are immersed in God, the greater the good being done.

There are no insignificant lives in this world; period. There are no exceptions to this. The original screenplay for “It’s a Wonderful Life” was not Jimmy Stewart’s role as the bank CEO, rather the main role was played by a bank clerk. He was shown the world, by his guardian angel, as if he never lived. Because he was not the bank clerk another man had the job and embezzled money from the bank. The bank failed due to the theft and therefore a number of  local businesses failed as well. The whole town and its economy suffered because this one man was not there to do his humble job honestly. Every life is important, and you are indispensable to the role you play, therefore you must play it well.

Meditating regularly and deeply you change not only your life, but your families life, your community and even the world at large. There is simply no way for you to accurately assess all the ways that your spiritual practice is absolutely needed by this world. Therefore, resolve that whatever role you are playing in this world, you play it well, and you enter into your spiritual practice with all of your heart, mind and soul–for you are God’s emissary.
