Guru Prem

On the Day of our Lord, I beheld my Guru in her Light body. It had the familiar look of her face and body, but it was all made of a pure white Light, it glowed like the sun shining through crystal glass. From this form a pure white Light shone in every direction, as far as my vision allowed me to see; seemingly into infinite space. With a voice that spoke to my mind she said, “Do you not know, I am in my Light Body now.” It settled my mind and I had no more question, no more doubt. I felt myself to be humble dust at her holy feet. That vision occurred over 30 years ago, and as I recount it I see it clearly, I feel it profoundly.  Who she is, is beyond human comprehension.

When I receive some thankfulness from a devotee I immediately pass it on to her feet; it somehow comes automatically for me to do this. It is through God’s inner direction that I write this now, in honor of my Guru. I include below what I wrote in response to just such a note of gratitude I received, and I know it to be the absolute truth. Jai Guru! Victory to the Light ever shining from my Savior-Guru!

Dearest One,

If there is any good in this form it is all due to our adorable Guru. I would not even want to contemplate what my life would have been without her Divine Presence. All glory to her inimitable life, a Divine Incarnation of inestimable worth to her disciples, to all of this world, and beyond.

Jai Guru, Guru Prem, Ever at Her feet,


Memorial Memories  

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Memorial Day in the U.S. is a day of honoring ancestors. For many of us it has not been too many generations since these ancestors were immigrants from faraway places, having left the known for the unknown. These were lives of struggle, sacrifice and many new starts before getting established. These frontier spirits were really exceptional souls, willing to risk so much for a new life, both for themselves and their future progeny.

On this Memorial Day vintage cemeteries all over the country will have carpets of flowers spread over resting sites of honored ones; stories will be told, quiet memories will bring solemnity, laughter and sometimes tears. In a world that seems to be always looking forward, today is a time of looking back with love and gratitude.

We are all the products of generations of hopeful lives that brought new generations into life. Today, much is made of dysfunctional families, but by and large families had to be somewhat functional to survive at all. Yes, every family has challenges and patterns that have been destructive, but we also inherit positive qualities as well; this should not be overlooked.

The Ten Commandments tell us to honor both father and mother, for it is in gratitude to these souls that we acknowledge that we have the opportunity for this present incarnation. Our parents made possible our very survival when young, they gave us much of the strength we have, and so many mannerisms and habits are linked to these headwaters from which we have sprung. Even if we are not standing in front of a headstone, we can silently offer flowers of prayerful thankfulness for the good we have received. And then looking forward, be determined to add even greater strength and awareness for ourselves and for future generations.

As a spiritual aspirant I also look back to the source of grace that has blessed my life. I offer flowers of my devotion with all love and gratitude as I bow to the feet of my Guru-lineage, as well as realized saints and sages around the world. These valiant souls left known lands to explore vast new realms of spiritual consciousness. These intrepid pioneers gave everything of what they were for this quest, and then went on to produce spiritual progeny to help guide future generations of realized souls.

Each of us have a human heritage, and aspirants for truth have a spiritual heritage as well. Today is a day for giving honor to our human parentage and for our spiritual heritage of Guru, Parama-Guru, and Parampara Gurus (great grandfather Gurus). In silent gratitude I bow at your feet with all love and humility. Continue to bless our lives as I give the flowers of my devotion to you forevermore.


Love & Truth


Picture: Jesus driving out the money changers from the Temple

Love and truth must go together, or neither can be whole. There are facts devoid of love, but facts in and of themselves can never be truth. Facts can be used as a weapon to hurt and destroy, but this is not truth. To know truth we must behold not only the facts, but the soul; about which the facts are but one facet.

For instance, you may know some facts about someone you know, and in anger you throw those facts at the other person without kindness, consideration or understanding of the entirety of that one, and you may say, “Well, it is only the truth!” But, it is not the truth.

When you see the whole person your understanding and compassion grows. You are not focused on a fact, your see the person in the context of who he or she is in his soul’s evolution. Inevitably, this leads to love. You may then pronounce facts, but now it has merged with love and it leads to the truth.

When Jesus drove the money changers out of the Temple he was not just in a rage. First of all he loved God, and he knew so many pilgrims came to the Temple to worship Him as well. All this commerce, shouting out their wares of doves and lambs for sale was not worship, it was changing the feeling of worship into something else. So it was love for God, love for the pilgrims, and ultimately love for the merchants at the gate; for they were creating karma for which they would have to pay and Jesus was powerfully bringing their attention to this. It was forceful, perhaps even violent, but done with love from beginning to end.

So love is not always meek and mild, but it is always humble; surrendered to God. Be sure before you pronounce something as the “truth” that is has merged with love, for only then does it deserve its name.

Who are my brethren?


Picture: Happy song when released from the tiny cage

Jesus answered, “Who Is my mother? Who are my brethren?  …Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12: 48-50). In this episode from Jesus’ life he makes clear that spiritual connection is more important that blood ties.

This can come as a great test for the aspirant; not just with family but also friends, business associates, even what strangers might think of you if they knew your deep spiritual nature. The fear of what others think, how they might judge you is a tyrant that never releases you from a self-made prison of what others expect and what judgements they may have.

To free yourself from this prison you must make what God thinks more important than what others think. There are times and situations that can really test your loyalty to God and your spiritual path.

One of the things Mother faced, that would be very difficult for many, was when she left for Anandashram in 1957 without any idea of whether she would return or not. Her daughter was pregnant with her first child. As much as Mother loved her children I can only imagine that this was a pull for her to stay, that her daughter would have very much wanted her mother there through the pregnancy and after the birth. However, today we are all the great beneficiaries that Mother chose God’s direction over familial considerations.

Each of us face the tyranny of what others think, and in order to have complete union with God you have to make the clear choice for Him alone.

Mother’s Day

Prakriti Cosmic Mother 2

Prakriti: Divine Mother

It is through the Divine Mother that all creation has come into being; without Her there would be no expression of God. Therefore we give great homage to the Divine Mother.

Divine Mother is manifest in all women, for they are the embodiment of all that the Divine Mother is. Therefore we give homage to all women as manifestations of the Divine Mother.

It is in those women who give birth that we exist as a human race, it is the mother who loves and cares for us through the most fragile and important times of babyhood and childhood. It is our mothers who will love us especially, even as the Divine Mother, whether we are naughty or good. Therefore we give special homage to our own mother.

And all those who give the love of the Divine Mother to this world can change this world. Ireland was rife with violence for decades until the mothers of Ireland marched in solidarity and said, “No more,” and the violence subsided and stopped. The courageous love of mothers is a mighty force.

To the Divine Mother and all Her manifestations here on earth, today we give special honor and recognition to you. Pronams, I bow to the Light in you.

From The Loon Lake Retreat


Picture: Hitch your desire to the highest star there is.

A sacred feeling resonates in me from the Loon Lake Retreat. The atmosphere was thick with Divine Vibration from dedicated yogis magnetically drawing in higher and higher vibration. There was healing in body, mind and soul from this charged environment. My only unfulfilled wish is that all could be with us! Of course you can be there in Spirit, but we like it when it is manifested in body as well!

There is one topic of note that I think you may find very interesting. The Title of the Retreat was, “Does God Have Desire?” And while we cannot re-enact the entire Retreat here, I will say something about desire nature.

Certainly it can be said that God has desire when He sets this entire creation into motion. Everywhere about us there is beauty and wonder and awe in beholding what the Creator has accomplished. All evolution of this universe from the coalescence of stars and planets to the diverse biological species up to mankind represents a gradual order, splendor and balance that defies “randomness” of creation.

Enter mankind and you find the expression of desire for survival, satisfaction of pleasures and expression of self through dominance and structure. In addition to these basic expressions you add creative inventiveness, appreciation of loveliness, caring-ness and compassion. In some you see only the desire for the basest passions, in others a nearly unbearable sensitivity for beauty in music, art and great thought.

The highest expressions of humanity is seen in great spiritual souls; Rama, Krishna, Loa Tzu, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed to name a few. Their desire reached across all time and space and touched, nay embodied, Infinity. When seen in the context of little human desires, their desire for Truth, Realization, Bliss and pure Existence dwarfs anything previously known. These great spiritual luminaries held such an immense desire for God, for Realization, that it could only be fulfilled by an Infinite Consciousness. In evolution, these great ones took desire to a whole new level.

As aspirants we often find ourselves at war with lower desire nature. The problem from an evolutionary sense is not desire itself, but that we have locked onto little tiny human desires that cannot possibly fulfill the vast desire our Soul has for God-realization; we sell ourselves short.

Rather than curb or kill your desire, hitch it to the highest star there is, Self-Realization; not just to the little clods of earthly human desires. Expand and intensify your desire until it wants only God. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations, but tap into the biggest desire there is. Reach out for Satchidananda: pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss with all of your heart, strength, mind and soul!

A Peek at the Retreat

1920s- B&W

Picture: Sri Paramhansa Yogananda

For those of you who will not be able to attend the Retreat at Loon Lake here is a glimpse of what we will be focused on during our time, an excerpt from Yogananda’s commentary on Patanjali. Even if you cannot be there in body please join us in Spirit.

“Krishna told his disciples, “If you don’t practice Yoga you can’t attain the final state.” Drupada laughed and said, “I admit that, my Lord, but I can’t think of anything but You wherever I look. In order to meditate I have to take my mind away from you.” Krishna laughed. That is the Miruddha state.

“So every Yogi must watch his spiritual progress by adjudging the quality of meditation in the following way:

  1. Am I continuously restless during meditation racing with likes or dislikes or thoughts? Am I the restless type? Am I restless all the time?
  2. Am I so addicted to any good or evil sense habit that when I meditate I can think of nothing else but that? Am I the mentally obsessed, infatuated type? Am I obsessed by sense pleasures all the time?
  3. Am I the type who is momentarily calm and most of the time restless or am I half the time calm and half the time restless?
  4. Am I calm all the time and once in a while restless?
  • Have I attained the last exalted state.
  • Am I fixed in the joy of the soul all the time unable to be restless anymore?
  • Have I reached the object of meditation–the soul bliss—so that being with it all the time I don’t have to meditate on it anymore?
  • Has the flower of meditation forever dropped away because the fruit of soul bliss has reached its complete maturity?

“The flower precedes the fruit. When the fruit grows the flowers drop away. Meditation is the precursor of soul bliss. When soul bliss is perpetually attained without a moment’s separation then the flower of meditation drops away.”
