Mother’s Day

Prakriti Cosmic Mother 2

Prakriti: Divine Mother

It is through the Divine Mother that all creation has come into being; without Her there would be no expression of God. Therefore we give great homage to the Divine Mother.

Divine Mother is manifest in all women, for they are the embodiment of all that the Divine Mother is. Therefore we give homage to all women as manifestations of the Divine Mother.

It is in those women who give birth that we exist as a human race, it is the mother who loves and cares for us through the most fragile and important times of babyhood and childhood. It is our mothers who will love us especially, even as the Divine Mother, whether we are naughty or good. Therefore we give special homage to our own mother.

And all those who give the love of the Divine Mother to this world can change this world. Ireland was rife with violence for decades until the mothers of Ireland marched in solidarity and said, “No more,” and the violence subsided and stopped. The courageous love of mothers is a mighty force.

To the Divine Mother and all Her manifestations here on earth, today we give special honor and recognition to you. Pronams, I bow to the Light in you.
