Guru Prem

On the Day of our Lord, I beheld my Guru in her Light body. It had the familiar look of her face and body, but it was all made of a pure white Light, it glowed like the sun shining through crystal glass. From this form a pure white Light shone in every direction, as far as my vision allowed me to see; seemingly into infinite space. With a voice that spoke to my mind she said, “Do you not know, I am in my Light Body now.” It settled my mind and I had no more question, no more doubt. I felt myself to be humble dust at her holy feet. That vision occurred over 30 years ago, and as I recount it I see it clearly, I feel it profoundly.  Who she is, is beyond human comprehension.

When I receive some thankfulness from a devotee I immediately pass it on to her feet; it somehow comes automatically for me to do this. It is through God’s inner direction that I write this now, in honor of my Guru. I include below what I wrote in response to just such a note of gratitude I received, and I know it to be the absolute truth. Jai Guru! Victory to the Light ever shining from my Savior-Guru!

Dearest One,

If there is any good in this form it is all due to our adorable Guru. I would not even want to contemplate what my life would have been without her Divine Presence. All glory to her inimitable life, a Divine Incarnation of inestimable worth to her disciples, to all of this world, and beyond.

Jai Guru, Guru Prem, Ever at Her feet,

