From The Loon Lake Retreat


Picture: Hitch your desire to the highest star there is.

A sacred feeling resonates in me from the Loon Lake Retreat. The atmosphere was thick with Divine Vibration from dedicated yogis magnetically drawing in higher and higher vibration. There was healing in body, mind and soul from this charged environment. My only unfulfilled wish is that all could be with us! Of course you can be there in Spirit, but we like it when it is manifested in body as well!

There is one topic of note that I think you may find very interesting. The Title of the Retreat was, “Does God Have Desire?” And while we cannot re-enact the entire Retreat here, I will say something about desire nature.

Certainly it can be said that God has desire when He sets this entire creation into motion. Everywhere about us there is beauty and wonder and awe in beholding what the Creator has accomplished. All evolution of this universe from the coalescence of stars and planets to the diverse biological species up to mankind represents a gradual order, splendor and balance that defies “randomness” of creation.

Enter mankind and you find the expression of desire for survival, satisfaction of pleasures and expression of self through dominance and structure. In addition to these basic expressions you add creative inventiveness, appreciation of loveliness, caring-ness and compassion. In some you see only the desire for the basest passions, in others a nearly unbearable sensitivity for beauty in music, art and great thought.

The highest expressions of humanity is seen in great spiritual souls; Rama, Krishna, Loa Tzu, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed to name a few. Their desire reached across all time and space and touched, nay embodied, Infinity. When seen in the context of little human desires, their desire for Truth, Realization, Bliss and pure Existence dwarfs anything previously known. These great spiritual luminaries held such an immense desire for God, for Realization, that it could only be fulfilled by an Infinite Consciousness. In evolution, these great ones took desire to a whole new level.

As aspirants we often find ourselves at war with lower desire nature. The problem from an evolutionary sense is not desire itself, but that we have locked onto little tiny human desires that cannot possibly fulfill the vast desire our Soul has for God-realization; we sell ourselves short.

Rather than curb or kill your desire, hitch it to the highest star there is, Self-Realization; not just to the little clods of earthly human desires. Expand and intensify your desire until it wants only God. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations, but tap into the biggest desire there is. Reach out for Satchidananda: pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss with all of your heart, strength, mind and soul!
