Ash Wednesday


Christendom marks today as Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter, a time of repentance, penance and fasting (excluding Sundays, a time of feasting). The ashes of the palm branches collected the year before are a blessed anointing with the words repent and believe.

Many Christians will take advantage of the 40 days (the time Jesus fasted in the wilderness) as a time to do or not do something as a spiritual discipline. Spiritual disciplines are times of great reward. Living in an era today when instant gratification is oftentimes the watchword, the rewards of not doing something in the name of sadhana (spiritual practice) are not readily known. However, it can be a wonderful time to let go of something, especially something that you now indulge in but really know is not good for you.

In years past this has been a time of not eating sugar, not watching television, dedicating longer times to meditation, time chanting with Papa’s recording of Ram Nam–it can really be anything you choose. When you dedicate yourself to this kind of practice it has a purifying effect on you; you feel it in body, mind and spirit. Penance for the sake of punishing yourself for real or imagined sins is a misguided attempt at purification. Penance done in the right spirit will leave you feeling clean, inside and out, and closer to God.

Here is something Reverend Jill sent out by email and I thought had wonderful wisdom from Sri Yoganandaji:

As we begin the first day of Lent, a time to reflect more deeply, I wanted to share these passages from this month’s Master’s Lesson:

“The tigers of worries and sickness and death are running after you and the only place that you can be safe is in silence.”

“When you meet people, do not become affected by their state of consciousness.  When they are singing of God, be one with them, but just as soon as they show undesirable qualities, stand aloof.  Meet people with silence, eat with silence, and work with silence.  God loves silence.”

Love to you all on this first day of the holy season


This is a wonderful time of year as we approach Easter, recognizing the rightful death of the ego and the joyful resurrection of Christ-consciousness. We can take time to read the teachings of Jesus from the Gospels, Master’s commentary in the Second Coming of Christ (published by Amrita or SRF), any of Mother’s transcripts or listen to her talks, especially Easter talks, available on the website (under talks).

The more we explore the teachings of Jesus the clearer it is what a magnificent Avatar he is. Our teachings are rooted in Jesus and Krishna, and find universal resonance throughout all the world’s great religions and spiritual traditions. Let us use this opportunity for going deeper into silent meditation and being lifted up as on wings of angels in His peace and Divine Presence. Discover the blissful joy of Christ Consciousness embodied in the life and teachings of Jesus and sleeping in potential in every human being. Be blessed–dive deep and soar high!
