Preparing for A Tender Birth

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Painting: Esteban Bartoleme Murillo

The approach of Christmas is oftentimes ascribed as to why this season can be stressful, and surely it is a time that can be jammed packed with activities and demands. However, for many years I observed in my spiritual life, and now the lives of many others, that there is an additional layer of why this can be a difficult time.

The winter solstice occurs on or near December 21st. The solstice marks the shortest day of sunlight due to the earth’s tilt and its rotation around the sun. It has long been noted that celestial movements relate to changes in consciousness, and from this observation astrology had its origins. The winter solstice and its opposite the summer solstice, as well as the two equinoxes, have special relevance to inner changes as well as the more obvious outer changes.

Since meeting my Guru and my subsequent initiation I noticed that the time preceding the winter solstice was oftentimes difficult, stirring up much mental and emotional turmoil. In the beginning I associated this fact with the holidays making me more acutely aware that I was alone.

As the seasons rolled by I noticed that this intensity in the buildup climaxed, not with Christmas, but, with the solstice itself. With the solstice the intensity would “break,” and the immediate days before Christmas were much easier, very enjoyable. Year after year I noticed the same pattern, and once seen it could not be unseen.

It is no accident that the birth of Jesus is marked at this time of year. Symbolically it is the depth of darkness and the beginning of the procession to the light; a perfect time for the birth of the “Light of the world” to incarnate. Historians tell us that for the shepherds to be out tending their flocks at night, as depicted in the scriptures, it would be springtime, lambing season. So, December would not be the historical birth date of Jesus, but March or April. However, not only is the end of December symbolically right, but the intense purification before the solstice followed by uplifting joy is the perfect time for the birth of the savior.

When we understand that this increasing intensity is part of a purification rite, and its purpose is the birth of something new, then we can consciously cooperate with this progression, understand it, and receive the greatest benefits from its annual occurrence.

Rejoice, for something wonderful is coming! Prepare the way, and spread your wings so that the seasonal uplifting currents will carry you heavenward; listen carefully and you will hear the celestial music of the spheres. The tender birth of the Christ-child is coming; the ancient prophesies are to be fulfilled right within your own being.
