The Light Ever Shining


This Christmas morning the full moon shines above as a beacon of light to all the darkened world below. This reminds me that the Christ-child was born into this world to bring Light and illumine all creation, to all those who would receive the Light.

Avatars (the descent of Divinity into flesh) come to this world to help awaken it to the fact that all creation is of Divine origin. The world and those identified with it lose all relationship with their innate Divinity, and thus suffer and create further suffering for others. God, a respecter of man’s free will, beckons all humanity to rediscover the truth of their true nature. However, mankind is stubborn and stiff-necked in their adherence to being bound in their ignorance.

Therefore God sends examples of fully realized Beings, avatars of immense spiritual realization and strength. These divinely realized Beings are not meant to be set up as idols and worshiped from a distance; rather they come to awaken the same Divine nature in each individual that the avatar is awakened to within him or herself. It is man’s ignorance that says, “Divinity resides in that one only.” This ignorance acts in opposition to the very reason why an avatar takes incarnation. To embrace and become fully awakened to one’s own Divine nature fulfills the purpose of a Divine Incarnation.

To “receive” Jesus Christ is more than to proclaim faith in his Divinity, it means to realize through experience your same Divinity. It means you have looked within and you have seen the Divine Light shining as a star; you have been inspired by three wisdom kings to surrender the gold of the world, the bitterness of the world, and even your joy and worship at the feet of the Christ-Light being born within you. It is to protect that Light from the vain jealousy and hatred of King Herod, seething within and seeking to destroy the Light. It is to love and nurture that Christ-Child-Light at every turn, to never deny it or side with the forces of this world in their desire to suppress that same Light. To receive the Christ means that you experience the whole story within you.

So, on this precious Christmas morning, let us sense the sacred meaning embedded in these wonderful stories and images. Let us follow that star by going deeper into a meditative state in which we are illumined within by the Christ Light. Let us hear the angelic music of Spirit singing the song of Bliss and Joy that is within and everywhere about us and manifests as universal love and service. These are not just stories of another time and place, this is your journey, discovering who and what you truly are. It really is, as is said, “The Greatest Story Ever Told!”

It is in this Spirit that I write to you this morning, and it is my keen desire that you should know the truth of it. Not simply because I have said so, or that great realized Beings have told you so, but because you were inspired to seek this truth out within the laboratory of your own Being.

Please accept this as my Christmas Card to you, this year I simply have not been able to send out my usual Christmas Cards. We have received so many beautiful cards, and with each card I receive the love and good wishes sent with each of them. One card came from Dianne D. had this wonderful quote from C.S. Lewis that says so much: “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become Sons of God.”

Have a joy-filled Christmas.
