Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

In a current survey of spiritual literature there is a broad spectrum of attitudes about God, the ultimate Reality, and the world we live in. There are examples of those who give up everything in this world, even a loin cloth, to overcome the limiting pull of worldly attraction in order to know God. Then there are others who seem to be book and retreat “production machines” who are apparently making millions by writing and talking about “spiritual” living.

What are we to believe about realizing God and our relationship to this world? In our Kriya lineage we read the most interesting account of Babaji manifesting a palace for Lahiri Mahasaya in order to satisfy a latent desire. And Swami Ramdas writes that the “World Is God.” And yet we know that attachment to this world is a major stumbling block on the road to realization.

We must make a careful analysis to perceive the truth of the matter; this is especially true given how deceptive the ego-mind is. On our journey to realization we know that things of the world definitely bring the mind down from inner states of peace and bliss. This battle between the uplifting forces and downward attractions is tremendous.

But not everything in this world is a temptation. What will be a great attraction for one person may have no appeal to another. Therefore, the object of attraction is not the problem, it is the attachment the mind forms for a person, place or thing.

A good rule of thumb is that when you feel the pull of strong attraction, avoid it. Instead, place your mind firmly upon God until the “fever” of attraction has completely passed. Even then you are very careful not to provoke an attraction by becoming too familiar with it; for slumbering embers can too easily awaken into burning passions.

God has taken me through many experiences in my relationship to this world. He gradually took everything away from me in the worldly sense; finally He took job and profession as well. When I spent a year in silence and seclusion I had but a few items of furniture: a meditation chair, a table and a mat for a bed.

After having taken me out of this world, Divine Will seemed intent on bringing me back into it. First came marriage, that came with a dowry of a Ford Escort car and a few more items of furniture. Then through His good graces we lived with others from place to place, then rented a house, then we bought a house, more cars came our way, and this last year another house! Just this week He has brought us to California where we are staying in my brothers beautiful motor home for three weeks in a magnificent RV park in Palm Desert.

As we sit surrounded by motor homes, some of them costing over a million dollars, the question comes, “What is my relationship to all of this?” Ever since my year in silence I have been established in an immovable stillness within. Somehow whatever comes does not touch this stillness that directly merges with the great, supreme Reality. These gifts of material things are God’s play, His lila. If ever I notice that the Still-Presence is disturbed by these outer happenings, I will instantly run away.

Even with this inner detachment I feel that I should be a good steward of what has been given. Cars and house should be kept in good working order, uplifting beauty created, and an open hand is kept for giving to others what has been given to me as God directs.

This abundance that has come is a logic defying play that unfolds before my astounded vision. I say “logic defying” because with having renounced all, so much has now come; it really goes against what the worldly mind would think. However, even with this material prosperity, what is profoundly clear to me is that happiness begins within. If every material thing was suddenly gone and all I had was God, I truly know that in Him I have everything!

Perhaps even those authors who have made millions also have God, for all things are possible with Him. But it is rare for someone with millions to know that God is the source of all prosperity, not a bank account or a portfolio.

Remaining steady in the face of life’s ups and downs brings to mind my favorite Dr. Seuss book (in truth the only one of his I have read), “Oh, The Places You”ll Go!” In this story our intrepid traveller (you) goes through all the ups and the terrifying downs, but ever proceeds upon his or her way; a parable of life’s journey.

This life does take you to so many places, in body mind and spirit; every one of them has great meaning in your ultimate adventure in going to God. The key to finding happiness in the journey is to find that place of stillness within your heart and soul, and never let it go. Then be in wonder as God unfolds His life within you and all around you; and oh, the places you will go!


Today is your day.

Your off to Great Places!

Your off and away!

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose”

Dr. Seuss
