A World of Universal Love and Service

P1020341 reduced“When are you coming again?” it was the question asked enumerable times. What to say? “When Papa prompts us to come.” We are departing earlier than planned due to Christine leaving the body and my inner prompting that it was time to return.

It is difficult to describe the outpouring of love and kindness we received from so many at the Ashram. When speaking to Swami Muktananda on the eve. of our departure I said, “Swamiji, it is remarkable the examples we see here of those who personify the motto of the Ashram, ‘Universal love and service.” With Swami Chandrananda sitting nearby I continued, “It is not only the Swamis, but the inmates as well, and more than that the paid workers, such as Omana, who cleans our rooms, and Kalavathya, who has brought our meals to us. We have found Papa and Mataji’s ideal realized at Anandashram today.”

As I am saying this I unexpectedly have a loving emotion well up inside which forces me to pause, as tears stand at the edge of my eyes. What is the thought behind this emotion? It is being on the receiving end of so much love, it is seeing the ideal of Papa and Mataji expressed in so many who live here, and it also has some mysterious origins that are unnamable.

This world has gone in some wrong directions, and it suffers as a result. Too many live in a world of me and mine only. There are some that are driven by greed and desire nature to the exclusion of all else, and some get caught up in a world of addictions and destructive behavior that is the opposite of a life of selfless service.

Here at Anandashram we see those who live for the realization of God and selfless service as a constant theme. Those of us who visit the Ashram come for some period of sadhana in which all of our needs, and more, are provided for. But for the inmates of the Ashram it is not an occasional time of being in service, nor do they receive all the comforts that we do with very little demand as to what to do with our time while here; rather this is their full-time life. When there is a dedicated core number of souls in this world emulating this universal love and service, by even at a fraction of what is done by these dear souls, then this world will be changed in radical and beautiful ways.

As we prepare to leave we are flooded with offerings of food. In addition to all the individuals dropping by fruit, halva, and banana chips, Swamiji gives us Prasad to take back to America. I am prepared for the load, but not such a load! He gives a backpack that is so heavy I can barely lift it! And then books from the Ashram! He showers us with such grace. As we are packing our bags we get knock after knock on the door that keeps us very busy with the loving attention of Ashramites. Time and again, “Here, just a little something I wanted to bring by.” What can be done? A graceful thank you, with a look at the growing pile of loving gifts.

Swami Chandranandaji brings by gifts as well. “Since you were not able to go Sadhana Kendra Ashram in the north as you had planned, I have brought some things they gave to me when I was last there.” She presented to me a beautiful wool shawl and some material for Carla to have made up, some travel treats of nuts and raisins as well; so sweet and thoughtful.

Swamiji has also given us many sets of clothes. He has given me a few dhotis and a cloth to wear over my shoulder.  When Sri Krishna saw this he said, “You are a Shastri! (someone who is a master of the Shastras). By classic Indian standards there is no way that I could called a master of the shastras, not even a beginner of a knower of Sanskrit; the school children here who learn Vedic chanting know far more than I on this subject.

However, we have been assured by all the great spiritual masters that realizing God is not a matter of book learning or knowing a certain language. The main thing is to keep one’s mind upon the Divine. Through constant God-remembrance the mind is purified and is lifted into the divine realms. There are many who may know many scriptural passages by heart and spent long hours study, yet they do not know God.

In this sense you can say I know the essential nature of the scriptures, because I have lived them and I have come to know God. In knowing God I know the Source of the Vedas, the Bible, the essence of all religions. If this sound like vain boasting it is not meant to be. It is simply the truth, and is the truth for anyone who has come to know God through and through.

Our goodbyes are coming to a close. The car is packed with luggage, Onni, our driver has driven to the Panchavatti where Swami Muktanandaji has asked us to come. We walk the distance from our room accompanied by a dozen plus devotees keeping pace with us. When we arrive at the Panchavatti Swami M., Swami Chidananda and another dozen or more are waiting to see us off.

What heartfelt bliss is felt as we are leaving. An earlier conversation with Leslie, who lives in India full time now, had him remembering when Swami Satchidananda, Swami Muktananda and others were on the porch to see us off  at 2:00 a.m., so that we could catch our train. With what love and tenderness Swamiji had met us. In those early morning hours Mansi and Lakshmi had come to our room with so much food for our train trip we could have fed many families! It was wonderful to remember that earlier time, even as new memories are being made today.

Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram we repeat again and again, pronaming out the window and then the back window as our car pulls down the drive to take us to new destinations. No matter where we go or how far we go, all we have to do is to think of Anandashram and the peace, joy and love of God and His devotees will forever ring in our hearts with deepest gratitude. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram! Victory to God, Victory to the Light and may universal love and service forever reign in the world as its motto and practice.
