Arrival at Anandashram Abode of Bliss

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Picture: Swami Satchidananda; background Swami Ramdas

We are seven minutes before six p.m., riding in the car from the Mangalore airport. I had wanted to be at the Ashram before six in order to be in time for the closing of the Mandir. I know about where we are as we crest a hill before descending the back way to the Ashram and I do not see any possible way, according to laws of physics that we can be there before six.

Oh Papa, You know what is in my heart; time and space are Your playthings. If it be Thy will, bend time and allow us, Your children, to arrive in time for the Mandir Closing.

Somehow, and the only explanation in my mind is that Papa did bend time and space, we arrived a few minutes before six.

Oh Papa, You have rulership over this entire universe. Even the slightest desires of your dear ones can elicit a response from Your almighty will. Teach us to rely upon Divine Will alone, cheerfully submitting to what You decide that is for our highest good.

Carla and I enter the Swamiji’s Mandir from opposite sides.

Oh my Lord, this is like coming home. All voices joined in joyful unison singing Your name. We feel wrapped in a spiritual warmth that unifies all here. Something inside stirs, such a deep familiarity. It is true I have spent time here over the years, however this sense of connectedness transcends a single lifetime’s depth of experience.

Such a warm greeting from Swami Muktananda, Sri Krishna, Ananthraman, Swami Chandrananada, who was a newly minted Swami last time we were here, Saint Nalini, and too many to name. My heart overflows with Divine Love; swimming in a sea of smiles, love and joy. “How long has it been?” We are asked. “Seven Years, oh, it cannot be so long!”

We take our room in #4 of Ramdas block. The Ashram is filled to overflowing, there are two groups here. One group is made up of devotees of Meher Baba; they have a continuous chanting program for 48 hours. The group, complete with a blown loudspeaker are directly above us on what used to be the rooftop, but a canopy was built a few years ago so it is now covered. Another group is chanting Hari Rama, Hari Krishna for seven days without a break in the Centenary Hall. Our dear friend Chandra has been participating in this and is very uplifted from the experience.

It is insisted that we take our meals in our room for the next few days as the canteen is very full. Lakshmi Mahadev comes to our room. “Oh I have only been recently been informed of your coming, I will be going away next day after (day after tomorrow), I am so very sorry.” However she is glad to hear we will be here for some time and we will see her when she returns.

The power then goes out, a quick search produces some “torches” from our luggage. A knock at the door and Saint Nalini brings a candle and one match. “We have had so much rain this year that this is the only match I could find that would light!” Minutes later Ananthraman comes and brings another candle. So much love and concern for our slightest comfort.

We enter the Bhajan Hall. There sits Papa and Mataji in their life-like poses in front, now there is the addition of Swami Satchidananda’s form. This is my first time back to Anandashram since his Mahasamadhi. I pronam when I enter and then I seat myself up close to Swamiji’s picture, my back to the arched wall.

When it seems the right moment I go into Papa’s small room, it is the original part of this now larger structure that once served as Papa’s only room along with a covered porch. I pronam to the altar, and then I proceed to Papa’s, Mataji’s and then Swamiji’s realistic paintings that are on hard board that is cut to match the outline of their physical bodies, making them appear so life-like sitting there.

When I reach Swamiji’s picture a tide of emotion rises up. There is no single emotion, there is some feeling of loss, and there is gratitude, love; so many emotions are there, not any one single thing but a combination of all. Even as I write this I feel it, and yet there is nothing distinct I can say about this floodtide. Tears flow freely from the eyes.

I truly cannot say it is a feeling of loss, for I feel his thoughts and presence with me. His picture does not seem an ordinary picture, but a living Presence.

“Oh my dear Swamiji, You have been so instrumental in what I have in God. I have often referred to You as my second Mother, Mother Hamilton being my first Mother. With unbounded love and perseverance you helped to chip away the dross that covered the Divine Light within this ‘temple not made with hands.’ My love and gratitude are endless, and I surrender myself to your holy feet. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. It was this holy nam that you chanted for your final realization. It was this all-powerful chant my own Gurudev initiated me into almost 40 years ago.

“Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram: Victory to God, Victory to the Light for this entire world. Your pure Light is radiating through so many souls here. What a rare thing to have such continuous illumined masters in this lineage, Papa, Mataji, and You, my dear Swamiji. May this Ashram ever be a beacon of purity and Light for one and all. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!

We end the evening program with the arathi as once again the singing joins us together and brings such brotherhood. Kannan rushes across the Bhajan Hall for pronam greetings. He appears to have had some health issues; he says he was not well last year but he is all right now.

Our hearts are quite full with all the love we have been greeted with. Arriving on time for the closing of the Mandir, being enfolded in the loving vibrations of singing the Holy Name, receiving Prasad under a tropical night sky and sitting in warm comfort with a half-moon hanging overhead is all pure bliss.

Oh Papa, Mataji, Swamiji, due to your committed lives for God and Gurus alone you have created this abode of bliss. May we, with your blessings, bring this light, love and purity to all whom we come into contact. Our fervent prayer is that all may experience the Divine Union that was your all, and all, in all. Let the name of God ring from hills and dales and in the hearts of all, by whatever Name each one chooses to sing with love and faith. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!
