Be Born Anew


A devotee recently said that she planned to spend Christmas Eve and morning alone, deeply meditating instead of rushing about to far-flung family. She had a glow as she spoke of this coming event.

While many may not be in a position to take this time away from the many events scheduled during these holidays, I would very much encourage you to plan time for your spiritual Christmas, as well as your social Christmas. If the holidays are only for eating and drinking and making merry, then where is the time for celebrating the birth of Christ?

Sri Yoganandaji used to take the day before Christmas for a six hour meditation at Mount Washington. Oftentimes he would have visions of Jesus during this time and feel deep communion with him. Then on Christmas day he would have social Christmas with food and the exchanging of gifts. He was balanced in all ways.

This is a powerful time of year and we can live it in such a way that wears us out through activity, or we can feel melancholy and blue, or we can live it in balance; celebrating the birth of Christ-consciousness within and enjoying social Christmas as well. We can drink deeply from the well of Bliss within, and then share that Divine Light with all the world. How much more do we have to share with this world when we have contacted God first!

Even though I may not be able to be with you in body for these Christmas celebrations, I will definitely be with you in Spirit. I would remind you that the breadth and depth of Christ-Consciousness cannot be fully fathomed by the human mind; so there is always more for us to experience, learn and be transformed as we dive deeper and soar higher in this mighty venture of knowing God.

Do not let your mind limit you to the possibilities of what you may be as you grow in Christ-Consciousness. You are a child of the Infinite, and as such you are made in His likeness and image. This season symbolizes the birth of this supreme Consciousness into the world and in you. Be sure to capture its sacred significance as it approaches and receive God’s great gift for you, to be born anew in Christ Consciousness.

Health Note: The most recent news has come from the long awaited results of the Las Vegas biopsy. Dr. S. said it surprised him but the tumor showed signs of being melanoma. When I said I thought of that as skin cancer he said yes, it starts on the skin, but can migrate to different parts of the body. He thought I must have had the cells on the skin but my immune system successfully fought it off. Then some of the cells floated through the blood system and started growing in the stomach. There are times when the immune system does not recognize that these cells do not belong and the tumor is left to grow. They will take further samples during the operation but he feels confident it will confirm this diagnosis, as it fits all the facts known so far. In aftercare I would receive immunotherapy; boosting the immune system so that the immune system recognizes and destroys any future growth of these melanoma cells. They will also use some of my cells for a research project to develop a vaccine for others. My hemoglobin count has dropped more, but is not at the point of needing transfusions. The doctor has ordered intravenous iron to be injected early this week before the operation, which is still scheduled for the 10th  at 10 a.m.

Additional Note: There are a larger number of recent emails I have received stating I have appeared in many dreams. In all cases it has been assuring to the dreamer that all is well, with everything proceeding toward positive results. As always, it is wonderful to hear from you.
