Dare to Know the Truth–A Tribute to Paramhansa Yogananda

Flowers & PY 2

These past two weeks spent working on the description of the days leading up to the mahasamadhi of Paramhansa Yogananda has taken me into a feeling of loving closeness with Master that is wonder-filled. His God-centered personality shines through the descriptions by various people, giving glimpses into his varied divine moods and ways that he lived his life.

One simply cannot measure a spiritual master by outward signs, although those signs may give a hint of his or her inner glory. We love to hear stories of any great saint, but to hear the story alone is a bit like looking into a room from the other side of a glass window—nice, but not the same as being in the room itself.

To enter the room where Master dwells means to enter deeply into your yogi’s cave of meditation and deep communion with God. In a world of suffering and isolation it comes as a great amazement to find that right within your own consciousness lays a treasure trove of union with the eternal, all blissful Consciousness of God. Without the clarion call of great souls who have themselves discovered this greatest of open secrets, who would guess at this truth?

This world acts as a maze of a thousand turns that keeps us from the hidden Goal. However, these same great knowers of God that tell us about the glowing kingdom within also give us the means for traversing the maze quickly and safely.

Master came to make you know that with intelligent use of your will you can jumpstart your journey; instead of plodding steps you may fly to your goal! A lofty promise, great words, and a moving testimony from his own life and experience that is proof of this truth.

In order to fulfill that promise we must apply the same principles with the same vigor as the great master did. We may doubtfully look through that glass window and say, “Well, that is alright for him, he is exceptional, but not for such a one as I.” This is delusion’s voice hissing to you that you cannot attain what Master accomplished. However, we must take our cue from the great Master’s life, attitude, and love for God: and strive as he strove, love as he loved, be willing to shake heaven and earth to uncover the hidden treasure trove!

Let us so transform our lives that we feel that we are living as kindred spirits with all the great spiritual masters. Mother felt that Master was so great that he was Christ come again. Boldly dare to claim your kinship with these greatest masters. Be inspired by Master’s life and example and know the greatest open secret in all the world.
