Decisions Decisions Decisions



Decision making is a fascinating field of study. How we make decisions both large and small determines the kind and quality of life we live. Do you have one more bite to eat or push the plate away? Do you seek out new opportunities in life or do you stay in hiding? Do you strive for Self-realization or are you unconsciously and blindly stumbling through your days?

I have been in a transitional time in these past few weeks. My recovery from a small intestine resection that removed three tumors has gone extremely well. As of today I have no cancerous tumors as has been confirmed by a recent MRI of the brain and full body CAT and PET scans; very happy news.

Now I am faced with decisions about after-care; according to medical doctors it is a very high likelihood that new tumors will grow. There are several allopathic drugs that may be partially or fully successful in keeping cancer from recurring, each with their unwanted side effects; I am also looking into a leading Naturopathic physician for supportive care as well as the ongoing treatment my marvelous chiropractic/neuro-link doctor provides. Each doctor gives his educated guess as to what the right course of action should be, plus I have had input from many of you on standard and alternative care as well.

How do I go about deciding what to do next? The first thing I do is I go inside and commune with God. I still the mind, turn the whole matter over to Him. I feel peace and quiet in the inner Presence; that is my starting point. I know with a certainty that God is in charge of this whole play. There is a mighty purpose behind all that He does, and I am content to play my role as He so chooses.

Being connected, I then gather information. What this and that doctor and care provider are saying, what friends and research tell me, assimilating all I can from external resources. I then take this accumulated knowledge and seek wisdom by mindfully surrendering all at the feet of God. “Oh Lord, here is the situation as You well know. What is the right thing for me to do at this time?” Then I open myself to His prompting. What do I feel right about doing in connection with Him? What thoughts come to me in that Light and with clarity? What brings me peace and a sense of ‘right action’?

Sometimes the message is to simply rest in Him. When the time is right some thought, a sense of direction comes out of the peaceful silence that makes me know what to do next. Over the years this process of decision making has never failed me. I can directly compare it to times when I have not used this process; it correlates closely with making bad decisions when I ignored God.

It is amazing at the amount of energy we expend in taking false steps and burn up in anxious energy, all to no avail. A favorite image comes from the blacksmith. He heats the metal to the right temperature before he shapes and bends the metal to good effect. The blacksmith knows he can pound away forever if the metal is not hot enough and he will get nowhere. When the metal is ready, a few well-placed blows may be all that is needed.

Even so God may have us in the fires of purification; we desperately would like to jump out of those flames! However, by staying still and centered throughout it all we take His cue as to when the hammer blows should come in order to bring it about correctly. This all-important timing is critical to fulfilling His will.

If, in your silence, you have no answer, that is a red light. You may get a yellow light to proceed with caution, or the green light comes for an all-out go! This knowingness requires your trust and your willingness to be still before you act. Decision making like this becomes clear from practice and patience. When you get the knack of it, it will be very obvious to you when it is divine will that is operating through you and when you are being governed by the dictator-ego.

As you can easily apprehend decision making is a fascinating field of study, and when you take the time and make the effort to go deeper it brings you into harmony with your true Self and with God. In this way the world you live in is a great teacher, and the large and small challenges you face provide the very means to achieve the greatest goal in life, your oneness with God.

Health Note: As mentioned above, I have completed a series of tests: an MRI of the brain, and CAT and PET scans of the rest of the body. There are no signs of any tumors in this body. Blood tests and all other metrics have come back positive. This is all great news! Now, the focus is on keeping this body in perfect health. There are several options on the table and it will be interesting to see what God decides. All is in His keeping. Jai Gurus, Victory to God!

