From Addiction to Freedom


Picture: Jesus knocking on the Door

There are so many kinds of addictions in this world: alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, anger, and eating are among the most common. The brain and biochemistry are powerful actors, some will say they are everything. And yet there are those who rise above these addictions and genetic predispositions; those who choose a course of freedom.

The pain of addiction is tremendous, affecting the lives of not only those with the addiction, but the lives they touch, and in turn the lives those people touch, in a ripple effect that spreads out in all directions.

Support of family, individual will and faith in God are typical antidotes thought of to abstain from addiction. For many, these factors turn the tide; yet, in too many cases these usual formulas are not enough. The family is supportive, the individual deeply wants to change, and he or she prays to God for relief, yet the addiction continues.

Just as the biochemistry of individual’s vary, so too may the prescription for recovery. What is common to all abstention from addictions is a clarity in the individual’s mind for the damage created by the addiction, a clear, unambiguous desire to be free of the addiction, and a concrete course of action for gaining this freedom.

This course of action may be a 12 step program, aversion therapy, counseling, and so on. The key is that it must be a commitment and provide the right kind of support that someone with the first two steps, clarity regarding the damage and an unwavering desire to be free, are in place.

To some it may sound surprising that faith in God alone cannot solve the problem. There are those that an internal connection with God is exactly right, while others must look to God’s helping hand being extended through a specific program.

There is a instructive story about a man who is warned a flood is threatening his home and he must evacuate. The man thinks, “I have faith in God, He will see to my safety.”

The flood waters rise up to his porch. A four wheel drive truck comes by and the driver tells the man to get in the truck and he will take him to safety. The man waves off the driver telling him to save others, God will take care of him.

Then the flood waters rise up and the first story of his house is now underwater. A motorboat pulls up and offers the man a ride to dry land. Again he waves off the resucuers, secure that God will keep him safe.

Finally, the man is standing on his chimney, his house is covered by the rising flood when a helicopter flies overhead and lowers a harness. The man waves off the helicopter when suddenly he is swept away and drowns.

Arriving at St. Peter’s gate soaking wet he asks to talk directly with God. He is escorted in to an interview with the Almighty, dripping river water on His carpet. “God, why didn’t you save me?” He asks with irritation. God looks the man in the eye, “Look, I gave you advance warning, then I sent you a truck, and a boat, and finally a helicopter. You refused all of these, what else could I do?”

We must be willing to humbly accept the help that God sends us, and with a clear determination, to never give up striving for freedom! Even if it is with your last breath in life and you continue to strive for freedom, you will carry that determination with you into your new existence.
