Happy Mother’s Day

everest_double_fragrance-600I want to wish all mothers a special blessing of love and gratitude. Without mothers this human race would vanish! By going into the jaws of death to bring forth new life a mother only begins her journey of motherhood. And there is an even greater role of all mothers, of all women, and that is each one is a manifestation of the Divine Mother. So, to all women, I bow at your feet in love and gratitude for your unique contributions as expressions of beloved Divine Mother.

I thought I would send this excerpt of a talk from Mother that is sure to put a smile on your face:


by The Reverend Mother, Yogacharya M. Hamilton

May 13, 1979

I want to thank all of you for your prayers for me. As you know, I didn’t have my surgery. But I think it was your prayers that kept me from having it because, obviously, I was in no condition to have it. And if it hadn’t been for the prayers I might not have known that. The surgery is scheduled for next Friday, so I’ll appreciate your continuing them.

I want to read to you this morning, because it’s Mother’s Day, “A Mother’s Prayer”.

“Dear Lord, please help me understand my four boys, not including my husband.

“Dear Lord, that means five adolescents, including my husband.

“Dear Lord, please help me teach my sons how to stand on their own two feet and at the same time not step on somebody else’s toes. And help me appease four different kinds of appetite at each meal. And help me find a ready cure for acne so that everybody in the house can eat chocolate cake the same year. And help me serve a main course at dinner my sons have not had at school for lunch that day. And help my husband give them a smack when it’s called for instead of an increase in allowance.

“Dear Lord, please help me not to hear so much, see so much and say so much. And help me not to correct so much. And help somebody invent a hi-fi that will play so loud and no louder. And help my boys talk about something besides baseball because I can’t have Tallulah Bankhead for dinner with them every night. And help find a way for them to learn their piano lesson in only ten minutes of practice a day. And help me once in awhile have my hair cut instead of pulling it. And help hand-me-downs fit somebody after being in the closet three years.

“Dear Lord, please help me to explain to Jeff that he does not have to approve of the girls Warren and George take out. And help me remember to buy name tapes. And help me have the patience to sew them on. And help me talk softly and carry a big layer cake. And help me find a dessert that is not bad for weight, skin and teeth and that all my sons will like the same night. And help me find a dress that all my five men and I will like.

“Dear Lord, please make geometry go away. And please help me understand space, even if there is none in my closets. And help my boys find girls someday who are good enough for them even though I won’t think so at the time. And help Fordman Law School teach George as much about Blackstone as he now knows about Spinks Baseball Guide. And help Columbia University teach Warren there is something else in the world besides the theater and music. And help Jeffrey believe that giving up catsup, at least for breakfast, will improve his chances for becoming a bullfighter. And help Douglas at twelve feel like sixteen. Me, too.

“Dear Lord, please accept my thanks for giving my boys a sense of humor, if it is often at my expense – which is too expensive. And thank you for George’s liking Wallstreet quotations and not the drums. And thank you for Warren’s liking the piano and not the drums. And thank you for Jeffrey’s liking the guitar and not the drums. And thank you for Douglas’ liking science and not the drums.

“Dear Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you for my husband and for giving us four sons. Dear Lord.”

[Laughter.] I had to share that with you. It’s beautiful.


