Healing Messages


Garland placed in Anandamayi Ma’s Samadhi Temple: Kankhal, India

On this beautiful Sunday morning I had the inner prompting to post a sampling of the beautiful messages sent to Carla and me in the past weeks. Please feel the same upliftment and spiritual power that I do when reading these heartfelt messages. In addition to these writings that reflect such wonderful souls in God, I have been reading from a book Mother used to read from by Eva Bell Werber; Quiet Talks with the Master (It is available on Kindle). I also add these links to this beautiful chant to Anandamayi Ma on YouTube I thought you would enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkVFNyHv60o. I found this link when I was viewing another YouTube video of Yoganandaji and Ma sent to me by Christopher Pegler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q046Etdc9Ak.


Health Update: We continue to wait for the biopsy results from Valley Hospital in Las Vegas. The last word we received was their initial tests were negative, but they continue to do additional “stain” tests. I have an appointment on Monday with a surgeon who specializes in the field of medicine that connects with my condition. If we have not heard before, the surgeon should be able to get an update on the long overdue biopsy results. I have felt and been sustained by your love and prayers. Pronams, David



Dear David, we are just at Sri Ma’s ashram at Kankhal for the samyan saptah, and got the news of the latest health situation. In the meantime I offered a garland (mainly marigolds) on your behalf, to be placed on Sri Ma’s [Anandamayi Ma] Samadhi.


…have been a bit keyed up, since I got home. I went into the room in which I meditate to put some things away. I felt a strong pull toward my altar.  I stood there, at God’s direction, looked at the Masters and closed my eyes.  I asked for guidance and a calm presence. What presented was you, in big form. I saw you surrounded by the Masters, then your tumor explode into many pieces of light, which spread out. Then the vision changed to you sitting there in the center of the Masters, with light shooting from the crown chakra, much like fireworks. I could not break the gaze and remained as long as was requested. As I opened my eyes, the altar was somewhat different than I envisioned. I had envisioned you in the center, which you were, but in fact your picture is a bit off to the side, leaning against Lahiri Mahasya’s picture. The Masters around the both of you. I have attached the picture of you, that I have on the altar. What struck me was how clear and pure you looked. What a vision to carry!


I am praying for God’s best outcome for all that is occurring with your health.  Surely I have had much thought and caring and am hoping for a speedy and full recovery for you, my Beloved Guru.


I want you to know that I see the Light of the Divine Mother flowing all around you and through you permeating every atom, every molecule of your entire being…vibrating, shinning radiating like a thousand suns. You shine like a beacon blinding any darkness that could possibly come near you. In my mind’s eye I can only see you right now, in this moment, as perfect, healthy, whole and complete.


Last week I woke up early in the morning very much concerned about you. I wake up in bed early every morning with my mind fixed on God and as I relayed these concerns to God a simple and soothing answer came back very clearly, “David is full of light and full of peace.” And then I didn’t worry so much anymore. Although I am still concerned I know you are always being taken care of in the best possible way.


You are always in our prayers. More so now. As you know very well Ram is busy doing miracles for His people like you. Your narration is a testimony to that. You are in good hands there.


A few days ago I was feeling a resentment cropping up toward an imagined slight and then, without effort, a thought of you filled me with love and upliftment and erased that thought with love. Every day such thoughts of You and Mother bring love to my heart and mind. Though in body you may for now be weak, but in Spirit you are strong. May your body be filled with healing light. Pronams in gratitude to you.


The other day I was chatting with Shree Ma [Anandamayi Ma] about David. She was right in front of me and smiled so lovingly. She then stood in front of David who was in a sitting position. She raised both her hands and placed them on the top of his head immediately there was such a feeling of Pure Love, Softness and Light poured all over him: no idea how long it lasted. But, what a Blessing and Joy.

Carla I can feel your Spiritual Strength and your willing answer to the call of this great Spiritual Challenge. You are truly answering that call. Well done!! Courage, bravery and so much love are present. God bless you girl. We hold you both tenderly in our hearts and prayers.


We will be having a kirtan in your honor tomorrow. Please be available to receive our ardent transmission of love and prayer at the time. We trust that the healing process is already coming along nicely. The duodenum is vibrating with light. Old cells are sloughing off and new cells are being born. Victory to God.

Paramhansa Yogananda: “Father Thou art in me. I am well. The healing power of spirit is flowing through all the cells of my body. I am made of the one universal God substance.”

P.Y.: “Heavenly Father, my body cells are made of light, my fleshly cells are made of Thee. They are perfect for Thou art perfect. They art health for Thou art health. They art spirit for Thou art spirit, they art immortal for Thou art life.”

–“May the long time sun shine on you, all love surround you, may the pure light within you guide you all the way home.”

May God and the Masters ever hold and keep you.


We can very well understand how Carla feels. We also pray for Beloved Papa’s blessings on Carla for strength to handle everything. Once again all of us intensely pray for Beloved Papa’s choicest blessings on you for speedy recovery and restoration to normal health.

Deepest love and best wishes for you, Carla, Judy, Ric and all there.


A lovely letter to all devotees and I am sure it will be very appreciated. Having also been the recipient of Healing Oms and prayers (as have many in our group) I too know their amazing power. One is so humbled by such love. I am grateful for the times sickness has enabled me to feel myself connected to all suffering souls in the world. The load you carry is universal, may the prayers and love you receive be sufficient to alleviate the burden and pain you bear. But as I write these words I feel the Divine Mother so present with you; it is She in all these souls who prays for you and heals you; She holds you in Her arms. Om Om Om


Though the Almighty Lord of the Universe has blessed Rev. Davidji with a mindset to accept all situations stoically, still it disturbs us. Today on the occasion of our Beloved Swamiji’s [Satchidanandaji] Jayanti, we fervently pray for HIS blessings on Rev. Davidji for speedy recovery and restoration to normal health so that he may continue to guide the aspirants on the spiritual path.


My love calls out to you from every particle of my being and it is God too who prays so deeply for you through me—for His perfect son. You are all radiance and blessedness to me, ever in my heart and soul.


There is no end to Ram’s adventures for us! The ways in which you are working with this one are excellent instruction for all. Blessings and love.


Hari Om! Hari Om! Hari Om!

Our hearts are with you in earnest prayer. What a painful mail it is.

May Papa, Mataji and Swamiji help David, Carla and all of you at this hour, restore normalcy to our dear Davidji.

We are simply shocked again.

Vimala has rushed to Homa Mandir to offer her prayers at the round. Shruti almost broke down. God alone is our refuge. David has taken so much of our karmas. Let us all do a chain RamNam – 10 minutes each person.

Lots of our prayers

Chandra & all others join in the prayer


My dear guru, I pray to God to heal you completely. Knowing all that has happened to you during your pilgrimage health wise has checked me in feeling so sorry and sad about myself, and here you are having so much pain. My wishes and prayers are for you to gain all your health as you are so much needed in these times of life. Giving all my love to you and not to forget our loving Carla. Thank you my beloved guru. Om sri ram jai ram.


All our prayers are with you for David to recover completely and to live a normal life with all of us, without any pain or disease. As we all need that pure soul with us for our spiritual upliftment, I am sure that Papa will ensure a speedy recovery to complete normalcy.

Our prayers also for lots of strength to all of you there who are physically serving David.


We are thinking of you, surrounding you in light and meditating with all our might and main.


How extraordinary your cosmic journey, surveying heights and depths, inside and out! How my heart has wept, as you are taken through flames of unbearable suffering, witnessing His drama as a spectator beholds fields leveled and seeds ripening in the dark!


My heart beams you many rays of healing light during this time. May the outcome be the one that God is pleased with the most (and us too). May God answer our prayers to have you with us for a long time yet. Love to you both.


Picture: Prayers from our dear little ones
