Perfect Love

Jesus-in-GethsemaneJesus, the great Master came with a unifying message for all mankind—we are all children of the one Father-God, and through the perfection of our love for our Father and for all His children everywhere, we might rise up in oneness with him. As we approach the anniversary of his flawless gift of surrender and transformation, we should meditate upon his life and message, and thus be transformed into his perfect likeness.

How greatly the Master loves all humanity. There are none outside of his love, and we should be exactly as he, in all respects. To him, there are no untouchables, no one who cannot be absolved of his sins—no matter how badly that one has behaved, when he sincerely turns from wickedness and seeks the ever-pure light. In a world that divides humanity into those who are chosen and others who are outsiders, he recognizes no such barriers. Those who love, and act on that love, are his proclaimed brothers and sisters.

And he has spoken nothing but the truth, even when it cost him everything. He taught in small groups, he spoke to multitudes, and he never wavered—even when threatened with torture and death. Because he has always spoken the truth, those who are sincere recognize the power of what he says, even when they do not always understand his true meaning. Those closest to him are not immune to his sharp corrections, the keen sword of wisdom that slices ego to the bone—unrelenting, ever vigilant, finely tuned to the verities of his Heavenly Father. We too should follow his example and speak loving truth without compromise.

Although he is the Master of the ages, still he demanded nothing for himself. He did not need to be worshiped, he did not even want word to go out of his healings, rather he instructed those who experienced his grace to worship their mutual Heavenly Father. Humility was his watchword, and though he spoke with great power and authority, still he knew, It is not I, but my Heavenly Father who does all things through me. In our quest to emulate him, we too should manifest only the Father; let His light so shine through our thoughts, words and actions, that all will be inspired to seek out our Heavenly Father.

Good Friday is the apex of his—and humanities—existence. In the Garden of Gethsemane came his ultimate surrender. Although throughout his life he lived in surrender to His Heavenly Father, on that fated, darkest night he found himself in the depths of despair—his angst was a moment of tremendous spiritual crises at which time he gave all that he had, and all that he was. It was then that the arrogance of Adam and Eve was overturned; in that moment he triggered the Mystical Crucifixion in which all separation from God was to be effaced; no longer would there be any sense of self, but only oneness, only God. We too must surrender our all, we too must traverse Gardens—from the barred gates of Eden to Gethsemane’s Not my will, but Thine—from being a separated human to ultimate Divine Union.

From the three stages of the crucifixion must follow another three for the resurrection. “Touch me not,” means we must rise—and not fall back into separateness by temptation of body or mind. Continued surrender and perfect love for God must be enacted—eschewing all attachment to this world until the work is complete. To lift the chosen twelve up the spinal ladder of perfection—a tremendous work, a total work that must not suffer delusion’s grip at any time; though test after test are still to come.

The Master’s life is one of perfect love for God, and the resurrection must be seen to its transcendental perfection. How rare and beautiful is that final journey. And how greatly the Master beckons to us, prods us, even pleads with us to follow—so that we may know what he knows, experience what he experiences, to be what he has become.

Surely his greatness knows no end and endures for all eternity. His mystery is that in his humanity we see the all-pervasive shining Divinity. Oh children of the Infinite! He is calling to us, and we must listen—for he is awake and is seeking to rouse us from our dreaming delusion. His life is your life, his journey is yours when you emulate him in every detail. Pick up your cross Oh blessed ones, follow him and be transformed from son of man to the Son of God—know him as your very Self. Let us make this Good Friday and Easter an inspiration for our own perfect love.

