Quiet Determination


True spiritual fire rite (3)

Picture: Quiet determination to bring about the transformation of Man

A devotee was telling me about her sister who had had cancer. After her treatment was over the staff wanted to leave her port in, just in case the cancer returned and they would need its use again. The sister said absolutely not, the cancer was not going to come back!

She then turned to me and said, “I have not heard that kind of statement from you.” I told her that I had that as a mental attitude, but that God had not confirmed that there would be no new cancerous growths. However, her statement has made me consider the subject about making a bold declaration that cancer would not return.

I thought about my mindset; the way I have felt guided in making decisions about treatment and ways to focus my mind. I made note that my whole orientation has been to remove the tumors, and now that is done to research, inwardly and outwardly, into what I can do to keep this body tumor free.

I have not had a port, nor has there been occasion that required me to make a bold decision that would proclaim an absolute faith in being cancer free into the future. So what do I say?

As I thought this over, I came to realize that my attitude, and how I have felt guided by Divine Will, is a quiet determination to remain cancer free. Tumors do not belong in this body, they are destructive to this body, and I reject their presence!

One of my mantras has been, “I have a clear mind (memory and concentration were affected by the anemia), I have clear vision (also affected by the anemia), and I have a clear abdominal cavity (past location of tumors).” My memory, concentration and vision have all vastly improved and the tumors are gone. When I say the word “clear” I experience Light and life-force sweeping through, making all clean, clear and operating at its highest caliber.

Since childhood I have had the sense my life would really begin when I turned fifty, and I would live until my eighties. It is true that my life took on new dimensions that made me live in a completely new way when I started my sixth decade, and it continues to resonate that living into my eighties seems right.

It is not in my nature to make bold proclamations, but this quiet determination has been more of my style in life, and continues to be so now. There is no part of me that feels that life is over; I will love astonishing my oncologist by having a long life! Without a hint of defeatism, I am at peace, surrendering the results to God.

For many people surrender means defeat, but not for the devotee of God. For the devotee surrender means being in the loving care of a most beneficent God who will see to it that every part of life is fulfilled for the highest good of all. I stand in that Light and rejoice over the opportunity to live life to its fullest, to be His servant every moment of every day, and surrender my life at His sacred feet.

Post Note: I do hope you are not tired of reading about my journey to perfect health. I do not see it as my journey alone, but that this is a description of all journeys in life, encapsulated in the clothing of this narrative. The choice of attitude we face life’s challenges with is what is common to all of us. I have heard from many of you that you have valued my descriptions and have received benefit from them. I will only say that my intention is not to focus undue attention upon this body, but to see it as a paradigm for inner attunement to the one living God and the spiritual Masters we have been blessed by who have walked this earth.

P.P.S. Carla and I leave for Boulder City Nevada early Sunday morning where we will once again begin our southern pilgrimage. We will return March 15 in time for the first vaccine injection and for Easter celebration here on Camano Isl.


