Real Happiness is Seeking You


This weekend we are taking time to come to Loon Lake Retreat for intensive study of the liberating methods for Self-realization. For all those who come there are many more who would like to be there, but we may all share something of our time together in satsang through our connection in Spirit.

There is much written by saints and realized masters as to what the goal of spiritual practice is, however, no matter how perfect the words for its description,  there is no replacing actual God-contact and having direct experience of those realized states of consciousness.

To live in divine consciousness is the greatest accomplishment of a lifetime, because it does the greatest good for the individual, and it has the most powerful uplifting effect upon all creation. If someone is starving, they must of course have food, and if someone is in excruciating pain they should have some relief. But in meeting such immediate needs, a temporary solution is given to a temporary problem–no matter how great the need in the moment and how good it is to be able to offer relief. The deeper, longer lasting suffering of humanity is found in the mind and soul. Identifying this suffering is the first step in the recovery of the consciousness that leads to long term happiness.

After identifying that it is separation from divine consciousness that is the cause of this suffering, we must go about how to get relief from this mental and spiritual pain. Deep analysis shows that so much suffering comes about due to the attachment we have to the things and situations of this world. Attachment makes us think that our happiness is dependent upon having certain situations or objects, and if we do not have them then we are miserable (or if we have them and they are taken away then we are unhappy). Real happiness is to be found within and is not dependent upon these outer conditions. If happiness is thought to stem from something that is temporary, and what in this world is not temporary, then happiness will always be followed by pain when that temporary situation changes.

This understanding makes us know that only by finding an unshakable source of happiness within, that transcends the things of time and space will make for a solution to suffering. Great saints and spiritual masters who have gone into the laboratories of their own deepened experience tell us that there is an eternal fount of joy and bliss to be found within. This fount does not run dry, is not dependent upon outer conditions, and makes us know the truth of who and what we truly are. This truth is known through direct experience–it is portable, going with us wherever we go, and transcends the limited human mind.

One might well ask, “If this is true, why is the whole world not running after unending happiness? And really, that is a most poignant question, but the answer is in what was said earlier about attachment; it acts as a screen that hides this simple truth. A child has a toy, then sees another child with another toy. At first the child is happy with their own toy, but when he sees the other child with a different toy he cries such tears at the thought of not having the other toy. We must give up attachment first, then the truth is revealed, but we do not like to give up our attachments having come to believe that our happiness lies in having certain things or situations.

However, when you have a ready and simple faith, you find the truth is not far away. Having the willingness to open your heart and mind to the radiant Presence already existing within reveals the doorway to this most wonder-filled and exciting experience that can be had by all. You do not need to build complicated creeds and beliefs, in fact that is contrary to the prime simplicity that gets you entry. Let go of all thoughts that happiness lies out there somewhere, and open your mind and heart to the divine revelation that is seeking out an opportunity for awakening you now. Let us join together, if not in person then in spirit, and seek out this omniscient Presence that is also seeking you. 
