Swami Ramdas’s Sannyas Day

Papa_OrangeRobeColorized reducedOn this blessed day, Swami Ramdas’s Sannyas Day, we honor the whole hearted commitment Papa made in totally throwing in his lot with God. I have included an email from our dear Swami Muktanandaji sent on the 27th (it was the 26th on our calendar as they are over 12 hours ahead of our clock), and my response. I have also included some salient quotes from Papa, from his book Swami Ramdas on Himself. Yogacharya David

Blessed Atman:

We are deeply grateful to both of you for the loving greetings on the occasion of Christmas and we heartily reciprocate the sentiments expressed therein.

On this joyous occasion of Christmas what wells up in our mind is the sublimity of the love of the Christ! His heart is ever shining with the lustre of compassion, forgiveness and peace. It is a heart that thrills in symphony with the ailing heart of mankind. The waves of love that go out of it seek to soothe, heal and purify the heart of every being. How blessed does indeed life become when the mind ever dwells in him.

Yes we all remember the blissful time we all had with you during your stay in Ashram. When are you planning to be here again?

By the abundant grace of Beloved Papa, Pujya Mataji, Pujya Swamiji and all Mahatmas, the activities of Anandashram is going on well as usual. They also make us aware of their guidance always in spite of our short comings so that we are constantly reminded of the ideal they placed before us.

Today is Beloved Papa’s Sannyas day. He reminds us that Anandashram came into existence because of the transformation that took place in the life of Vittal Rao on the 27th December 1922.  Our heart is full of gratitude to Him who not only awakened us of the higher life but also has been providing all that we need for realizing Him in spite of the fact that we are not rising up to His expectation.

Deepest love and best wishes to you and Carlaji

Ever your Self

Swami Muktananda

Our dearest Swamiji,

How thrilling to receive your most loving note. Your words about the life and teachings of Jesus could not be more perfect, as Jesus must be seen as the embodiment of compassion, forgiveness and peace. It lifts and purifies our hearts just to think on these virtues made manifest in him, even as these virtues are at the core of all the great Masters.

You are now a day ahead of us, so while it is still early for us, we are so glad to think of Papa’s Sannyas Day even now. It is amazing to contemplate that on a human level Papa was just one man who totally dedicated his life to realizing the universal vision of God, and how that has changed the world!

May Papa’s vision of God spread all over this earth to usher in a new era, an era of “Peace on earth, and goodwill toward all men!”

And, may Papa’s Grace ever radiate from your hearts, minds and souls in total realization and loving service. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!

Yogacharya David


Swami Ramdas on Himself

The great change came over Ramdas in 1922 with his life of renunciation not as a result of his own effort or initiative, but by the power, Will and grace of God. Until this transformation came to him, he was living only an ordinary life. This does not mean that he was selfish or inflicted any injury upon others or exploited others for his personal happiness. It was only that he was not aware then that there was a great Reality underlying this universal manifestation and that by attaining that Reality one could become supremely happy and peaceful, free from all anger, hate and bickering, which brought him in daily conflict with his fellow-beings.

When this great change came, Ramdas was swept off his feet, as it were. He did not know what was going to happen to him. He was asked to repeat the name of God constantly, to keep his mind serene and calm, so that it could go deeper within himself, to find the truth on which his life was based. For that purpose he was made to give up everything, all attachment…

To tell you the truth, when God wanted Ramdas to leave his family—the old family you may call it—and go on a wandering life, he did not know why he was going. He went because God led him away from the place. He had no idea what was in store for him. If it was for Sadhana, why should he go elsewhere? He could have practiced it sitting at home. Still God wanted him to go. Ramdas did not ask Him why he was being taken away, but He Himself whispered to Ramdas’s ear: ‘Ramdas, I am taking you from place to place not because you have to renounce everything, but because you have to see that everything is My form. You have to go to householders and tell them that they need not renounce worldly life in order to realize Me.’ It was with this object that He made him give up the old life…

Having experienced that supreme joy in this state, Ramdas was going about telling everybody that, if they lived on the lower levels of life like animals, they could never get real happiness. They must transcend all these and go deep down within themselves and realize the all-pervading eternal Spirit, which is pure bliss and peace.

[Our dearest Papa, we pray that same desire for God be awakened within us that inspired you; that we are led, even as you were led; and that we find fulfillment in the same universal vision of pure bliss and peace in which you were constantly immersed. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!]